♤♡ Seokjin's Ending ◇♧

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Warnings : Kidnapping, isolation, body transformation, Stockholm syndrome.

" ...Ah yes, my favorite Stockholm syndrome story. Back on track though, so the girl went to the castle to take her father place. She found him in a large dining room, when they saw each other, they smiled and ran to hug. But the family reunion was cut short when the beast appeared. He was standing menacingly and asked if the girl was here to take her father's place. When she answered yes, the beast turned to the man and told him to leave the castle immediately and never return. He exactly did this while crying for abandoning his child to the monster. The beast glanced at the girl one last time before disappearing, leaving the girl to find her room by herself.
And no one ate dinner that night.

The following day, the girl had done some exploration of the castle by herself and was surprised so far by all the access she had and her chamber was luxurious. At dinner, she was eating her meal when she felt a presence, calling out to the Beast to come out. He did and asked her if she found him ugly. She couldn't lie and told him yes, however she told him that he's been kind to her so far. The two start to talk and relax. At some point the Beast asked her a question.
If she would marry him.
She was stunned but eventually found the strength to tell him that she couldn't while fearing for his reaction. Hearing this, the Beast let out a wail of anguish as he stormed out of the dining room.

The days after this, the girl would explore and read in the library during the day and then at dinner, the Beast would join her to talk and each time he would ask her the same question, and each time she gives the same answer. But with each passing days, the Beast seems to seem less like a monster. And she grew to enjoy his company. That's why she told him that although she won't marry him, she will be his friend.

At some point, the girl started to feel homesick and was greatly missing her father. The Beast seeing this took the decision to allow her to see him. But he made her promise to come back after 1 week and gave her a magic mirror that would bring her back when she wished and show her anything she desired. And like that she was gone. Finding herself back home, she jumped in her father's arms who was overjoyed to see her alive.

And so she spent the entire week by her father side. On the last day both were terribly sad to be separated again. And so a hunter who came by on this day, a man who had previously shown interest in the gurl and made a marriage proposal, asked her to stay longer or her father would fell sick again like he has been previously when she was at the castle. But this has been her greatest mistake.

She stayed another day, and that night she got a nightmare. A fairy told her of the Beast dying of heartbreak because she broke her promise. This was enough to wake her up in the early hours of the day. Grabbing the magic mirror, she was shown the Beast laying on the ground of his garden, seemingly dead. Panicking she plead the mirror to bring her back to the castle.

When it's done, she rushed to the garden and the body of the Beast. She held his cold hand as she weeped his death, she express her regrets for breaking her promise and how she actually fell in love with him. In that moment, the Beast was covered in light and turns back into an human. The life coming back to him, the prince opened his eyes to found the one of his beloved. And so the two embraced each others as they kissed. The end. "

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