♤♡♢♧ Make a wish ♧♢♡♤

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" Okay today it will be a remix of the little mermaid,does someone has a problem with it ? No ? good then we can start. *clear throat*

The heir of Atlantica' throne has always been curious about the world of human. He always go to the surface at night to observe them and in particular a certain human girl that was every night on the shores walking on the sand , dancing sometimes or simply stargazing. He found her beautiful and watch her from behind a rock too shy and careful to let her know about his presence until one day when she spot him behind his hideout.

At first she thought that the boy was swimming and that's was the reason of why he was in the water so she didn't question it . She started a conversation with him and the merman was all flustered. They talked for a long time before parting ways. He was so happy that he came back the next day and she was also here and they continue to chat with each other. They continue to meet every day and fall in love with each other.

But the girl was starting to be suspicious about why the boy who stole her heart was always in the sea and didn't show up on the sand. So one night they were talking and the girl ask him , the prince think about it and decided that it would be wise to tell her so he told her that he was a merman and show her his tail. She was surprised but confess that she loves him either way, stunned that she loves him back he confess his love for her too.

A few days later, the soon to be king as to choose a bride to become his queen so he can become the official king. The merman already know who he wanted but know that his lover wouldn't be able to survive under the sea. So he decided to visit the wizard of the kingdom, the malefic Golden Kook . As he explained his problem to the man , the wizard gave him a potion that would transform the girl into a mermaid but he made a deal with him.

If the girl don't drink the potion then the throne of Atlantica and the girl will goes to him , the prince nodded and agree with the conditions. Swimming to surface he now only hope that she will accept to be with him...

Stay tuned for more ~☆ "

" Hey ! I want to know what she will say ! "

" Lmao I wasn't going to tell the whole story tonight you idiot! "

" At least tell me what's the moral so far you big meanie. "

" We can sacrifice a lot of things for love and one can manipulate another in order to get something. "

" It's kinda scary the second moral... "

" I know that's why you should be careful and not let your feelings steps on your reason. "


Looking at my phone , I realized that I missed lunch period and it was already too late to go to class. Yoongi was still sleeping on my shoulder and I tried to wake him even if a little voice in my head is telling me that it's a very bad idea. Not really sure how to gently wake him , I decided to try the way my brother use to wake me up in the morning when he wasn't acting like an ass . I pass my hand in his hair.

" Yoongi~ Time to wakey wakey~ We have pancakes- Actually no but wake up anyway...~ "

As the mysterious spell seems to works, the male's eyes flutters and he blinks a few times before yawning and stretching his arms above his head, hearing a satisfying crack he let his arms fall beside him and look at me . My hand still playing with his hair .

" Hmm... If I could wake up like this everyday then I will take a nap at each occasion... "

I giggle at the statement and took his hand to help standing up from the bench . Looking at our surrounding we realize that no one was here as everybody must be in class. Yoongi suddenly paled up at the sudden realisation.

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now