♤♡ The side of my foe ◇♧

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This is from the point of view of TXT before the whole forest situation :

The five boys are in their living room after coming back from the princess' place. What they found in the cellar still shook them and made them think about everything so far. Despite being in this world for years and watching over her since long, it was the first time they were at loss to what to do.
The men looked at their leader.

Taehyun : So what now Soobin? This wasn't in the plan!

Soobin : I know! I know! Just let me... Well her being reincarnated is surprising but it won't change anything to the plan.

Beomgyu : It just means Princess was already in this world once right? No biggie then.

Soobin : There's probably more behind this but we don't have time to dwell on this. Our priority is the safety of the princess.

Yeonjun : Like every single days since we are here?

Soobin : *through gritted teeth* Yes, does anyone else want to speak or we can move on?

Kai : I do! Shouldn't our big boss Yuki be aware of this? And if yes why didn't he told us about this?

Soobin : I don't know, which means he didn't know. Next question.

Taehyun : We've been on thin ice for awhile now, the princes are going to lose it soon and I think tomorrow is the perfect opportunity for them to strike.

Yeonjun : Eh? Why tomorrow?

Taehyun : Well they're close to going ballistic, anyone with a brain can see that. We've been guarding the princess everyday for awhile now, which means they couldn't approach her and must be frustrated. Also the forest is the perfect hunting grounds for them and they can let loose and fully unleash their power to get the princess back. The large space is perfect for an ambush and surprise attack.

Beomgyu : So? If their plan is to snatch the princess in the forest then we just need her to not go. I just have to lock her-

Soobin : No no no! You won't lock her or anyone! If they are going to use the forest to their advantages, then so do we. The unfamiliarity of the ground is going to be both a pro and con for us. They won't know exactly where we are but so do we. So it's all coming down to communication and who can escape with the princess.

Kai : Doesn't this implies we might encounter them and like, fight them?

Yeonjun who didn't say much until now, stands up confidently holding his flute in his hand. He looked at each of his companions with a smirk as he spoke.

" We will fight them, they are princes and we are the villains. It's our job to go against them and piss them off by keeping what they hold dear. Blood will be shed on the battleground, that's to be expected if we want to keep our princess safe. After all...

Love is war.

♤~♡~◇~♧                 ♧~◇~♡~♤

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♤~♡~◇~♧                 ♧~◇~♡~♤

*Sipping Blue Orangeade*

This is a little intermission because I really didn't had time to write a whole chapter but didn't want to not update at all.

So here you go.

I hope you enjoy a little more of TXT content, just wanted to give ma boys some love and validity for their endings.

'Cause yeah, I can't make an ending about a half-assed character. Well I could but not sure a lot of people would enjoy it.

Anyway there's more intermission coming up between each TXT's members chapters which will lead to them entering the forest and then we will be back with full BTS content.

After all this is a BTS feat. TXT fanfic. Not the other way around.

Stay tuned for more!~☆

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now