♤♡ Purity and Innocence ♢♧

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" Dear sister, you have now hit 14 years of existence in this world. I think we can now discuss about tales with deeper and subtil meaning. But for now let's talk about the difference of the words pure  and innocence. "

" They are different? "

" Yes , allow me to explain. Innocence is a state of mind generally found in children as they aren't aware of the perversion of the world. For example, I'm not innocent. "

" Really?!! "

" Yep , but you are . And to be honest I expect you to stay like that for the longest as possible. I don't want people to spill dirty thought in your pure mind. "

" Does the fact that Jackson explain to me how we make babies as dirtied my mind ? "


" Yuki ? "

" Sorry, so now purity. It's more like a physical trait , like a girl is pure till she... have her first time. As for the mind, a pure mind is clean of any sort of negative thoughts or dirty ones. "

" Ohhh I see! "

" Very well!  Then story time right ? *clear throat* Once upon a time , in a small village near the wood, lived a young girl and her big brother. The girl was a beautiful teenager dressed with a red cloak upon a beautiful casual dress. One day her brother gave her a basket filled with food to deliver to their grandpa who lived in the other side of the woods.

He told her to stay on the path and not talk to strangers. The girl nodded at her brother words and bid him farewell before stepping into the woods. She walked for a moment before meeting a little flowers field. As she bend down to pick some , she felt like she was being watched. Turning her head she saw a boy with ears on his head and a tail behind him . And his eyes were on her butt. She immediately stand and turned to face him with a frown .

He only raised his arms in defense before asking her what she was doing alone in the wood. The young girl with her innocent voice, told him that she going to her grandpa who lives on the other side of the woods. The boy suddenly smirked as an idea appear in his mind . He propose a game to the girl, to see who could be here first. The girl agree, the wolf told her to take a way while he took the other. She only nodded before going on her way . He grinned as he took the shortcut and sprint to the cottage. Once there he knocked on the door and use his sweetest voice to pass as the young girl . Meanwhile the grandpa who was stuffing himself with food and was probably cleaning the window because of the noise told him :

-Tire la chevillette , et la bobinette cherra mon enfant ~

-Excuse me ???

-Just open the damn door.

This time understanding what the elder said , he opened the door and face the elder who was in fact not cleaning the window but reading a magazine filled with dad's jokes. Pushing what he just saw aside. He grabbed the old man and put him in the dark basement . After he grab a pink night gown with a matching pink hat before hiding himself under the covers waiting for the girl .

After a moment, the gurl finally appear. She walked toward him thinking that it was her grandpa and that he was just sick . She asked him questions till one of them make her face completely pale . She asked why he had a crooked tooth- shit I mean why he had such sharp teeth and then he said that it was to eat her . At those words the wolf boy pounced on her and eat her out- I mean he just eat her . End .
Geez I'm tired tonight . "

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