♤♡ Hoseok's Ending ◇♧

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Warnings : Cold, mf be giving frostbite, mention of burn wound and scars (from acids), Popsicles human, overall possessiveness.

" ...Winter fell on the land, the snow covered the ground and the cold froze the lakes. The weather has been so bad that nothing was able to be produced in the fields . Fishes and animals seems to have dissappeared from streams and forests. The people had nothing to substain their needs. Famine soon sprout in the village. The girl refusing to let everyone starve, decided to go on a expedition to retrieve food. At this point anything that was edible would be good.

She walked in the deepest part of the forest and soon found a castle entirely made of ice . She was surprised as she didn't know the existence of this place. Nonetheless she went in to investigate. Her eyes widened when she went inside, the castle was huge and absolutely splendid. She reached the stairs and took them, they lead her in front of a gigantic door. Behind it, she could feel a cold aura along as a familiar energy. Gulping down she suddenly remembered a rumor that has spread in the village.

It says that the cause of this poor weather was because of the Ice king, his presence had destroyed everything and will eradicate all life forms. And this land will be trapped into this eternal blizzard forever, cold as his heart... Realising that if the ice king is really behind this door, he could easily get rid of her. But she was here, it wasn't the time to be a coward, everyone in the village had hope for her. She can't disappoint them.

Taking a breath, she pushed the door and entered the room. At the other side, someone was sitted on a throne, a crown resting on his hair, he had icy eyes, his gaze send a shiver down the female spine. She still was confident and approached the royal. When she was close enough, she took time to observe his features and her eyes widen in recognition as a tear fell. The man still having his neutral face, tilted his head on the side in confusion of why the woman was crying.

It has been so long but the girl still recognized her friend who left long ago, leaving a hole in her chest. As she sang their song, the ice king recognized the tune and his memories surged back. And in that moment he joined her singing as he stood from his throne and walked to her. Once close, the girl pulled him in a hug. It was reciprocated at first before the king pulled away with a saddened expression.

He walked away as he told the girl to go back. But she told him how the blizzard outside was going to kill everyone. However the king had no control over it, his personality had shifted overtime to be like his father. Well a part of him. Still the girl persisted and as she grabbed his cloak...

He snapped at her, his cold personality coming out. But it wasn't the only thing. In his anger he had also turned her into ice. He was absolutely horrified by what he had just done and broke downs in tears. He held on the ice statue as he sobbed. And has he was coming to term with the unlawful act he had done, one of his tears touched her icy face and began spreading warmth all over her.

The king stood in shock as the girl slowly came back to flesh and warmth. And as the girl was freed by the power of the King's love, the blizzard outside stopped while the two of them just rested in each other embrace... "

" Aww they're happy! "

" This sucker turned her into a popsicle. "

" But it was a mistake and the power of love saved her! "

" ...Y/n let me have one thing clear, there is no such thing as the power of love. This woman was supposed to be doomed for eternity in the hands of bipolar Mr.Freeze . It's only because it's a fairytale. You won't be as lucky if this happen to you. "

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