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Yooooo, it's the French author writhing them not French yandere fanfic

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Yooooo, it's the French author writhing them not French yandere fanfic.

This has been a wild time with everyone and I'm thankful for all the support I had. Lots of differences between the original project and the end project too. But it's good.

This story was one of my babies, it was my third fanfic and second yandere fanfic. So it's special in my heart. I put my heart and soul into it! (As well as my literature class into it).

Since it's special I wanted to thank all of you, and thank the characters especially TXT because holy shit this story would have been a lot different if it wasn't for their presence here.

Special shout-out to this story MVP, Choi Yeonjun the Pied Piper. Ma man raised in popularity in just one chapter and one sentence. Talk about charisma, this man got game. The others have nothing on him. That's why the prince lost, man is too powerful.

If there are points to clarify, like characters' relationships and personalities... I feel like we would need an entire chapter for this so we're doing this here.

Yeah, I will do that end-book Q&A and it will be open forever (until I take this story down). So feel free to drop by anytime, I will answer any questions-

Yuki: Any questions? 🤨

Well I will try-

Yuki: Answer this then, why isn't that mf baby aborted?!-

So as I was saying I will try at the best of my abilities to answer question and filled some plothole you guys find. (Because yeah, I wasn't able to put 100% of the plot in the story)

Anyway that's all I wanted to say, ah yes. This story is now technically eligible for spin-off. We're already getting one which is "Luxendarc". The story is the one of Y/n's tale the 7 princes.

And to finish I will announce this book popularity champion. *drum roll* with no surprise it's Choi Yeonjun!

This means he joins Yuki on the bench of popular character. I wonder who will be our next champion. Perhaps Clémentine from Her or Taehyun from Sea (don't think so) or even Yoongi.

I will end this here, once again thank you for those 4 years of support!

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