♤♡ Pure Madness ◇♧

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" Y/n . If you were to found yourself into another world, what would you do ?"

" Well I guess I would try to go back home. "

" Good attitude! Well, for today how about we read a classic? I can read Alice in Wonderland if you want, although the whole story feels like a fever dream. "

" Is it the story where the characters are all silly ? "

" Yes but it's only the characters in this story. "

" But I saw you and Jackson acting silly the other day, when you were playing doctor and baker in the living room."

" What are you talking abou- "

" You were vaccinating each others and then sniff the flour before eating funny looking candy- "

" HAHAHAHA Yeah yeah, we were playing together ʰᵃʰᵃ... "

" Aren't you a grown up? I thought grown up don't play games anymore- "

" Stfu of course we play games haha, the same way parents like to play wrestling sometimes haha... You better not tell anyone about this. "

" The wrestling or- "

" MOVING ON ! Open your ears you brat,
... Once upon a time, in a warm but cool afternoon, a young girl and her big brother were out to a flower field to enjoy the beautiful weather. However only one of them was enjoying the moment. The big brother was resting against a tree as he read a long book, the little sister was bored and had nothing to do. She didn't want to read her brother's book as they had no pictures. She found them boring. With a small pout she turned to her brother.

" Brother, I am bored. "

" Shut the fuck up I am reading, go pick flowers or some shit. "

Using her brother advice, she went further in the field to pick flowers. A large array of choices was in front of her. She started to pick some she deemed pretty and made a flower crown with them. Halfway in her work, she heard a voice. Looking up, she saw a big white rabbit with pink eyes. It was frantically looking around and muttering how it was going to be late.

Feeling curious she followed the rabbit across the field until they reached the base of a tree. The animal had crawled into the hole, she wasn't very sure about her next course of action but still followed it. And as she crawled inside further, she suddenly falls deeper. She panicked at first but then calm down as the fall seems to last forever. At some point some light coming from candles and lamp light her vision allowing her to see a vast array of furniture falling or floating around her. A cabinet filled with jam was in front of her, she took one and took a taste with her finger. She hums at the delicacy and put the jam on a floating table passing by. Her fall continued for a while and she felt herself getting tired. An armchair was passing by when she thought about taking a rest, so she used the occasion. She took a quick nap before sitting up and letting the armchair go. Just as she thought it would never end, she tumble on the ground. Well not really the ground as a large mass of dead leaves and grass cushion her.

Getting up, she looked around, she was in large corridor. Obviously by now, the girl understood she was far from home and wonder if her big brother noticed and would tell her off once she goes back home. Well of course he would, he was always telling her to not go too far and always be back before dark. However she was sure she was gone for a very long time and was really far. She didn't dare to think about the huge punishment awaiting her back at home.

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now