♤♡ I hate you for making me like this ◇♧

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Final hour, before entering the forest :

The five of them were in their cabin. Each of the men were preparing themselves for the what would he the ultimate fight. It was their last chance to end this for all. This was the perfect opportunity.

The stakes were high, failure was not an option. They had to succeed or else they won't hear the end of it when they get to the other side. Well they could already hear the nagging of their boss in the back of their mind, yelling insults, slurs and others words about their poor capacities and negligence so far.

Suddenly stopping all together, they all looked at each other with serious eyes filled with determination. They were ready.

" Everyone, this chaos end soon. "

" Remember that our priority is to protect Y/n. "

" We must do everything to not let the princes close to her, even if it cost us our life. "

" We have sworn allegiance to the (L/n) until the princes are sealed back into the book. "

" And only then the contract will release us. "

They all stood up and made their way to the table, a map of the forest was here. This was going to be the advantage. They were going to lure the princes in the forest and then use their knowledge of the area to separate the princes and individually deal with them.

For some of the villains, it wasn't the first time that they had to fight or get blood on their hands. The Fairy also had his fair share of violence too. Although the others didn't knew about it.

Yuki was standing in the Alleyway and clutching the Notebook in hand while taking glance on the side every few seconds. He was nervous, after all he could get jumped by the princes at any moment by being in the open in such a dark alleyway.

He let out a breathy laugh as he remembered how he used to hang in these same alleyways with his best friend to spray paint the walls and roll blunt. Sadly Jackson wasn't here anymore. He had paid for being too close to him, his death was a warning. Yuki was sure of it. The princes must have feel suddenly confident to do such a bold move.

So why was he standing alone in such a place where he could easily get killed, have the princes snatch the Notebook and so condemned his beloved sister to a fate worse than his? Well he was asked to come here, by one of the characters he summoned.

The Fairy Godfather, Soobin.

Now that he thought about it, it was quite weird of the man to do this. Since he summoned the five morons, Soobin always had an excellent behavior fit of the good character he was supposed to be. He made sure to diligently watch over the four villains and keep them in check.

He was someone who seemed trustworthy.

But he didn't had time to ponder much further has he saw the Fairy walking toward him. Well he was dressed differently than his usual style and he had the hood of his sweatshirt cover his head and face. Now that he was here, Yuki just went back into his usual self.

" Why did you call me here? If it's because you got into drugs, you're going to need for another dealer cause I ain't giving my stuff! "

" Sigh... We both know that's not why I am here. I choose this place so we would be hidden from the sight of people. After all if we went to a park, we would exposed to the sight of everyone. Which includes possibly the princes. "

" Fair enough, but in this case. Why not just call me to your house? "

" Well that would be to not have the others listen on our conversation. Because... they are truly villains, they are planning a mutinerie to overthrow you and take the Notebook to themselves! "

" ...What? "

" And with the recent death of Jackson, I fear that they try to take advantage of it to strike. And even if they don't do so now, I fear the princes might try now to actively kill you! After all miss Y/n is now old enough for them to pursue her. "

" Well what do you suggest I do?! "

" You must go into hiding now sir, give me the book and I will make sure to keep Y/n safe. "

The way he said this, and the whole story Soobin told him, put distrust into Yuki. The Fairy was behaving different from usually and the sudden plan seemed weird. Although Yuki won't lie about being scared shitless for his life, the man in front of him was scaring him more.

He took a step back as he hold the book behind him as he threw Soobin a suspicious glare.

" No, I won't. If the princes are truly going to go after me, then I'm going to confront them and they will have to take the book out of my dead hands! And if the boys are truly thinking of taking the book may I remind them of the contract terms. I won't allow it. "

" Don't make it difficult and just give it to me! "

Yuki didn't have to react as he felt something going into his chest, a gasp escaped his mouth as he glanced down to see a knife deep inside, where his heart was. Meanwhile Soobin who was still holding into the knife let out shaky breath as a maniac smile spread on his face, eyes wide with madness swirling in it.

" Look at what you made me do. Couldn't you just give me the book?! It would make it easier for everyone! I must repair my mistake and make sure she reach her happy ending. I won't allow A N Y O N E to interfere, I will get rid of all of them... "

And with this he took out the knife and took the book into his hands, some blood stains have gotten on it. Meanwhile Yuki was breathless as he lean against the wall behind him and slide down to the ground. He muster all his strength left to give a hateful glare to the man and his last words.

" ...You are the real villain. "

Soobin glanced down at the dying man with an indifferent face.

" If that's what it takes, so be it. "

He threw a sadistic smirk at Yuki before leaving the alleyway to go back home where the others were waiting for him with their snacks...

He was brought out of his thoughts when his phone suddenly rang. The rest of them were surprised too but when they saw the caller ID, they got silent. Well they were until they heard the soft cries at the other end of the line.

Once the call was ended they were already at the door and ready to plunge into motion even if the plan was going to be earlier than expected. The Fairy clenched his fists as he confidently ran into the forest to look for you.

" I will kill them and you will be mine! "

" I will kill them and you will be mine! "

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♤~♡~◇~♧ ♧~◇~♡~♤

*Sipping orange juice happily*

Good night people,

This was the last intermission chapter.

Which means the next one is the last chapter before we reaches the ending.

What a beautiful way to end this year right?

On this note,

Stay tuned for more!~☆

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now