Chapter Seventy-Six: Rewards (Part I)

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"First," The emperor said, as Aurelia tugged on his beard, "Young Vitus. You are well-known to us here at the court. And it is also well-known that your father would wish for you to have a higher position than that of junior diplomatic attaché to the Governor of Capea. He is perhaps right; the governor has suggested that you can be more than a mere errand-runner. Given recent events, I tend to agree."

Vitus looked hopeful. If this meant he was finally, finally going to get his much-coveted promotion to the position of senior attaché, he would be possibly the most thankful man in all the earth.

"You know, of course, that the Province of Capea has need of a Vice-Governor, a man who could take over many of the ordinary, day-to-day decisions, and be trained up by the Governor to replace him when I must call the current Governor back to the capital. Do you think you could do such a job?"

"I - yes, Your Majesty," Vitus nodded, his expression one of total disbelief.

"Then the position is yours. Considering your abilities and the aid you have provided this empire, it is a fitting reward. I have already sent a letter to inform the Governor. Judging from the praise he has given you in the past, I trust that he will not object to you taking the position."

Vitus gaped. "Thank you, Sire!" He said, ecstatic. This was so, so much better than merely being promoted to senior attaché. He would offer a million prayer to the gods, he thought. He couldn't wait to see the look on his father's face when he told him.

The Emperor smiled at the boy's reaction. Then he turned to the woman at his side, "Althaea?" He said.

Althaea bowed slightly, a respectful but comfortable gesture. It indicated to Vitus that Althaea was very nearly the Emperor's equal, and he found this shocking. It made him uncomfortable and yet intrigued.

"Flora Tsuga, Flora Salix," Althaea began, "His Majesty wished for me to address you, as your rewards were easy to give and are within my power rather than his. Salix; you had yet a year to serve the Order. The Emperor is disappointed that you endangered his daughter and mislead these, his faithful servants," she indicated the group, "But as you were yourself mislead, and attempted to protect the child, he is inclined to allow you a small reward. You are to be considered to have completed your service effective immediately. If you wish to leave, you may, and if you chose to stay, you move up to the full pay scale. Although," Althaea smiled slightly, adding, "I believe young Vitus might prefer to have a wife to assist him in his new position, than to have to keep writing to a distant fiancée."

Salix turned to Vitus. He grinned at her.

"Come on, Aemilia," He said, "Let's write your parents, and mine, and in a couple of months have the biggest wedding anyone's ever heard of. Then you can come back to Capea and we can always be together."

She smiled up at him. With an almost imperceptible nod she said, "Well, of course. What else do you think I'd do, silly?"

And Vitus laughed and put an arm around her.

Althaea then turned to Tsuga, saying, "As for you, your period as junior is ended. You may move up to senior, also immediately. We will assign you a student of your choice. You are also to be allowed a particular reward. You may ask one boon of the Emperor, and, so long as it is within his power, he will grant it. I suggest you think about it carefully."

Tsuga nodded, her expression serious. She actually felt quite miserable, even bereft. This reward was not very useful to her - she still needed guidance. Lots of guidance. And without Salix, she wasn't sure she would receive it. "I will, Senior Althaea," she said, with no idea of what she would choose.

Althaea smiled and corrected, "Mistress - High priestess - Althaea, Flora Tsuga. His majesty has promoted me to Mistress Cicuta's former position."

Tsuga nodded, but made no further comment. Her stomach ached slightly as she tried to work out what it is she would decide to take as her reward.

The Emperor handed Aurelia to Althaea. He looked down at Marcus and Petro.

"As Emperor, you lads must know that I am supreme commander of the armies, and as such I can command you as I please. I will speak to your superiors and ensure that there will be no punishment associated with your recent absence from the 47th. They will have to be content with that. As to the rest, I offer you what was offered Flora Tsuga. A boon. That which is in my power, I will grant. Well," he smiled, "that which is in my power, reasonable, and does not displease me, I will grant. We must keep some sense about ourselves, eh, Althaea?"

He smiled at her and she smiled back. It seemed to Mulberry that Althea and the Emperor would work well together. Mulberry wondered if either of them would have any reward for her, at the end of this. Probably not. After all, she wasn't a real human being to these people, since Marcus owned her. So she would get nothing, unless Marcus chose to reward her. And what reward could he give? Especially since he had no use for her now, that the Emperor had taken Aurelia back.

Petro looked over at Marcus, who still seemed to be in his own world, thinking other thoughts. Petro already knew what he wanted. Politely, he dipped his head, then spoke.

"Your Majesty?" He asked, and the Emperor turned to look at him, "I know that a person should think long and hard about a decision like this, but I know what I want. I want to be released from my obligation to the army, or at least, I want permission to marry even though I haven't finished my time."

The Emperor raised an eyebrow, then laughed, "That can be arranged, soldier. But it is not much of a gift. Is there more that you would request?"

"Yes, sire. If I can, sir," Petro explained, "I would also like - " he paused for a moment, looking over at where Tsuga and Salix stood watching him. Tsuga had an odd frown on her face, a sour look that had appeared when he said he had wanted permission to marry. He did not want to imagine what she was thinking. "I would also like for, uh, Mistress Althaea to - to release Tsuga from her obligation to the Order."

"Release Tsuga?" Althaea said in surprise, as Tsuga, suddenly comprehending, turned bright red.

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