The Goodbye

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Foxete's POV:

I must be crazy.

I look around the pizzeria. I know it's not the last time I'll be here but I feel like I won't see it for awhile. The grey walls with tiny pizzas are grimy and disgusting, but they're still home, well, a home of sorts.

"You sure you don't wanna come Freddy?" I ask my tall bear friend.
"Well it won't exactly be Freddy Fazbear's Pizza without Freddy Fazbear, right
Foxete?" Freddy laughs sadly.

My name is Foxete and I'm an animatronic, well an animatronic of sorts. It's a long... long... story. I crashed through a interdimensional gateway, or portal, in a storage closet, and landed in this pizzeria about a year ago. Ever since then my friends, Freddy and Bonnie, animatronics, have been taking care of me. The manager here, Kat, and her friends Jake and Lexi, repaired me. I help run the pizzeria as a security guard. From behind the scenes of course.

"Yeah I guess so," The blue bunny to my left sighs.
Freddy walks over to me and Bonnie and hugs us tightly. "I'll miss you, you idiots," He smiles.
"Hey don't say goodbye! We'll be back!" Bonnie chirps.
"Yeah," I sigh, "It's not like we're going to war." I joke.
"I guess this is a see you later?" Bonnie asks the big teddy bear.
"I guess so." Freddy sighs, staring intensely at the black void of the portal behind us. Somehow, Bonnie and Freddy learned to control this 'portal' like I did.
Bonnie had this genius idea to leave the safe, comfort of the safe pizzeria and to explore the unknown depths of space. We made a ship and everything. I know he wants to meet aliens and stuff, so I decided to go with him, for protections sake. That boy can't fight to save his life. The pizzeria was getting boring.

"I'll see you soon Fred!" Bonnie yells hopping into the portal. Freddy turns his attention to me.
"Fox, if something happens to him I'll be heartbroken. Please, protect him with your life." Freddy sighs again hugging me one last time.
"Ok ya big baby, I'll take care of Bons." I laugh, "You didn't need to be cheesy!"
He smiles and I run and jump into the portal, "See ya Fazbear!"

Let's get this adventure started.

(390 Words)

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