A Talk With a Friend and a Frenemy

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Foxete's POV:

I wake up sitting on the couch. Illoha is sleeping on my shoulder. We were working on the tv all day. I look at the clock, it's 11pm. I carefully slip out and away from Illoha and walk out of the room as quietly as possible. I walk downstairs to see Acron sitting by the portal.
"Hey, man." I say walking over.
"Oh hey, Fox." Acron says looking behind him.
"Where's Bonnie?" I ask him.
"Oh he went to visit his friend." Acron sighs, "It's been a few hours though."
"Huh." I look at the portal, "Well I fixed the TV."
"Did you?" Acron smiles.
"Yep. Doesn't just play He-Man now!" I laugh.
"That's good." Acron smiles again.
"So anything going on?" I ask.
"Between you and Illoha? Yeah 100%." Acron jokes.
"What's that supposed to mean!?" I say as I cross my arms.
"Oh nothing, just that you have something going on there for her." Acron laughs
"She's a friend Acron." I groan.
"Sure, kid." He laughs and turns back to the computer, "And I'm super-man."
I smile. Spirts seem surprisingly high considering what just happened.
"You know about super-man?!" I laugh.
"Oh course!" He scoffs, "Do you think we live under rocks?"
"I mean maybe?" I laugh.
He's a good friend.
I walked downstairs and to the jail.
I wanted to see Jab. No, I wanted to see if it was really Jab.
"Hey." I say standing in front of the prison.
"Sup." Jab says not moving.
"So, what's your name?" I ask.
"El Chip to Freddy, Jab to this Bonnie, what will you call me." He asks.
"Your choice." I say sitting down.
"My choice?" He says confused.
"Yeah. Just like it's your choice if you wanna join us or not." I smile. It's weird being nice to someone who caused this much pain, but I have to if I want him to trust me.
"Jab." He states bluntly.
"Ok, Jab." I say.
"So, what's Freddy like?" I ask.
"Mean." He shrugs, "If you want info I can't tell you much."
"I'm not looking for info. I want to see your side of things." I sigh, "The info seeking is Bonnie and Acron's thing."
"You're different than I thought you'd be." Jab says
"How so?" I ask.
"Thought you'd be meaner." He laughs.
"You haven't given me a reason to be." I scoff.
"So your just here to talk?" He smiles back.
"Are you loyal to Freddy?" I ask him
"I just want him to see me as a grown up." He scoffs.
I roll my eyes, "Believe me, I understand how that feels."
"We're more similar than we'd think then." Jab sighs.
"Yeah." I say standing up, "It was nice talking to you, Jab. Foxy will probably be in here at some point for "intimidation points" or something."
He rolls his eyes, "I don't want him anywhere near me." With that I left.
His point of view is interesting and quite similar to Foxy's.
Maybe he could join us?

(510 Words)

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