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Foxete's POV:

I wake up to Illoha lightly tapping my shoulder.
"Hey, you fell asleep." She says concerned, "You barely ever just fall asleep."
"I haven't slept properly in over 2 weeks, Princess." I yawn.
"That's not good Fox!" She scolds, pushing her hair over her shoulder.
I grin slightly at my girlfriend, but my grin fades when I realize our newest recruit was missing.
"Where's Icey?" I ask.
"What do you mean?" Illoha looks around.
"I was supposed to watch Icey, but she went to the bathroom. I didn't want to follow her in there." I confess.
"Just call everyone's signal tuners." Illoha proposes.
"Alright." I take out my signal tuner and call everyone except Illoha, Bonnie, and Keeva, "Hey guys, have you seen Icey? I can't find her. Call me back if you know where she is."
Within a minute, Keori calls back, "All good, Icey is with Foxy and me."
"Okay, thanks." I disconnect from the call.
"Alright, so she didn't disappear." Illoha laughs.
"That's always good." I smile, "No lost crew members."
We just sit next to each other in comfortable silence.
"So, what's going on today?" I ask after a few seconds.
"Well, Bonnie found people." Illoha nods.
"Really? How many?" I ask.
"Keeva says somewhere in the twenties." Illoha sigh.
"I'm guessing they need medical attention?" I groan.
"Yep." She smiles, "And a place to sleep."
"Do we even have that many beds?" I ask.
"No, but we can ask our good pal Otso, who made bedrooms for us, to make us more barracks." She laughs.
"Good idea." I smile.
"Foxete?" My signal tuner projects, in Bonnie's voice.
Yeah?" I ask, picking up the walkie talkie.
"We know some of the people down here." Bonnie states.
"Like who?" I ask.

Bonnie's POV:

I couldn't believe who I just ran into! Lexi, the night-guard at the pizzeria was here! In space! I must be one of the luckiest men alive.
"I'm glad it's you, Bonnie." Lexi smiles, "It's been a rough 11 years."
"11 years." I ask in awe.
"Yep." She sighs, "Been on this planet for 3."
"3 years?" I shake my head, "You need food."
"Ha!" She rolls her eyes, "The others need it more."
"Foxete's here too." I remember.
"Fox?" Lexi grins, "The animatronic?"
"Good times." I look around.
"They're about to get better now that we won't starve!" Lexi smiles.
"You have to be no more than 25." I state, "You we're like 14 when we left."
"Uh, rude!" Lexi jokes, "I was 16!"
"Ok, so you're 27?!" I ask amazed.
"Yeah!" She rolls her eyes.
"Wow, I've missed a bit, haven't I." I look at my signal tuner.
Mental note; MUST call Freddy.

(460 Words)

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