The Ship

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Foxete's POV:

    I see a blinding flash of light. We're here. I look around. Prestige white walls, swirly rainbow floors that could give someone a headache (only the most colorful for Bonnie). And of course, the blackest black portal that stood out like a sore thumb.

"We did good. This'll work." I turn to Bonnie.
"I know! I did amazing!" Bonnie grins.
"Ok smart guy, where to?" I ask before walking up to him. I realize I am no longer an animatronic... or human, I've changed.

    That happens sometimes. Not really my fault. When we travel through 'dimensions' it can warp appearances. I wonder why mine changed? I'm about 5'4, way smaller than I was. Long red hair parted to the side, tan skin, gold eyes, though one is lighter than the other. Looks similar to my human identity minus the gold eyes. I had green eyes.

"Are you fleshy, Fox?" Bonnie says as I look down at my skin. Bonnie just stares at me like I'm an alien.
"We'll damn. I'm an alien." I say snickering.

Some sort of Fox-human hybrid. I look at my reflection in the window, I'm wearing a red sweater with black leggings, I also have Fox ears and a fluffy tail.

"Doesn't matter. Let's explore!" Bonnie takes my arm and drags me into the next room. In there are bunk-beds. I take him off me and run over to them.
"I call top bunk!" I say climbing the latter. When I get up, I look out the window. Some sort of green Jello was floating outside.
"What's that green blob outside?" I ask peering out. Bonnie walks over and sees a weird green blob floating close to the ship.
"No idea." Bonnie laughs as he walks up to the cockpit, I follow. He turns on the tv and we'll look at that, he's playing He-Man. He quietly hums along to a song that's playing.

Im gonna pray for my sanity.

About an hour later

Foxete's POV:

      I look out the window. That weird blob is still floating. I look back at Bonnie sat in his 'captains chair'. He's offline charging. I wired a charging port to his chair so that he could charge whenever he needed to. I made sure all the wiring was correct, steering, engines, heating, cooling. Bonnie just built the ship. Eventually, I get bored enough to go downstairs to the bunks and climb up the ladder to 'my bed' so I could sit looking out the window. It's just dark.

"What did we get ourselves into this time Fox." I mutter.

      I look down at my new radio... signal tuner if you will. It's nearly Christmas time back on Earth. Bonnie and Freddy in their Christmas costumes. Now that's the best sight I've ever seen. Unfortunately, Bonnie took his spectacular reindeer suit off. It's a shame, it would have been quite a laugh to have Bonnie greet new people looking like a deer. I jump off the bed and walk into the main corridor. That ominous black portal stands out. There is no way to hide that ugly thing. I sit down on the floor with my back against it. Every portal is different. I know that because I've seen so many in my life. More than Bonnie knows. I feel a gust of wind and hear a chime as someone comes through from the other side.

"Heya Fox!" I hear a bubbly voice say.
"Hey Derpy." I reply without having to even look.

I'm more surprised she used the portal to visit. She doesn't even need one. All she needs to do is think about where she wants to go, and pop she's there. I can do... something like that. Not to the same extent, but I can 'teleport' a distance. Derpy is like an older sister to me. She's the twin to my friend Otso. She and Otso used to pop into the pizzeria back home occasionally to see how we were doing. Sometimes comparing us to 'the other dimension'. Whatever that means. Sometimes I feel like I'm just a science experiment to them.

"Whatcha need?" I ask her. Derpy only comes to visit me when she's bored or needs something.

"Oh I was just bored." She replies.

Called it.

"Alright then you can walk around." I say as she walks over to me. She stands in front of me, "What?" I ask, looking up.
I roll my eyes and stand up, "Would you rather a tour?"
"Oh yes please!" She smiles innocently like she didn't insinuate that she wanted one.
"This is the portal." I announce as I point to the portal. I walk into the next room, "These are the barracks." I say bluntly.
"You mean beds? There aren't any walls." Derpy giggles.
I roll my eyes again, "Fine, the beds."
I walk behind the stairs and open the door, "It's kinda small in there, but that's the crappy non-functional jail cell Bonnie made."
"You can tell he made it." Derpy pokes her head in, "The lever is within reaching distance fro, the cell!"
I walk upstairs and point to a shut metal door right at the top, "In there is the cockpit. Don't go in, Bonnie is charging." We turn to the next corridor and I open the doors to the rec room.
"There is no open space except for the bedroom. That makes sense." Derpy looks around, "Do you guys have any food?"
"Uh, no. We don't have food, or a medical bay, or medical supplies, or actual tools." I bite my cheek thinking about the complications we'll face later on.
"Anyways, here's my... uh... workshop." I say as I point at the small metal table with a toolbox at the end of the hallway, "As you can see I have only the finest technology. Complements from Bonnie of course."
Derpy laughs, "How much were these tools? $10??"
"Actually they're $15!" I joke.
"That's the finest tools out there!" Derpy laughs.
"Only the best for the best mechanic around." I shake my head. We laugh and Derpy checks her watch.
"Oh man, I'm late again!" She says.
"Meeting?" I ask.
She nods her head.
"See you soon Fox!" She says as she teleports out of the dimension. Sometimes it's really nice to get a visit from Derpy. I walk back into the cockpit and sit at my desk. Now I guess I wait until he charges.

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