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This chapter takes place the same time as the previous chapter.


Lexi's POV:

"Alright, I made the bomb." Dex whispers to me, "We can do it. We can kill him today."
"I dunno Dex." I sigh, "That little green girl one seemed awfully attached to him, plus apparently that Acron man was like a dad to her. I think it's too early."
"That's why we should do it." He insists, "They're weak, vulnerable."
"Fine, what's the plan." I cave in.
"Okay, Foxy hates me, so you'll have to lure him to the basement. The gun is down there, so we'll fake another explosion." Dex explains as he walks downstairs, I follow him. Of course. Explosions are Dex's whole thing.
"One problem, it didn't kill Keeva, so what if it doesn't kill him." I question as we arrive to the gun.
"Then no harm done. You'll play it off like you heard a strange noise coming from the basement." Dex grins, he moves a panel on the floor and places the bomb down, "Bring Foxy here, then I'll set it off with the remote. Stand back, it may hit you if you don't."
I nod.
Am I really doing this?

Foxy's POV:

I sit in the main area watching Jake try to explain what 'briefcase' the card game is, when Lexi comes into the room.
"Hey Foxy?" She asks, "If you're not busy, there's a strange noise coming from the gun in the basement. I couldn't find Keeva or Kip, so I decided to find you. Could you look at it?"
"Oh! Of course." I stand up quickly and go down to the basement, "We don't need to repeat what happened to Keeva."
What if Keori was down there?
"Yeah." She sighs, following me.
We get to the basement.
"Where's the noise?" I ask.
All I can think of is if Keori got hurt down here. I need to find out what's wrong with this thing.
She leads me to around the same spot Keeva got blown up at. I walk over there and tell her to stand back. I crouch down and suddenly hear a ticking noise.
"What is that-" I get cut off my a roaring explosion.
Foxy.exe offline

Foxete's POV:

I teleport downstairs as fast as I can.
"What the hell happened?!" I exclaim as I see Lexi and Dex standing near Foxy. Lexi is trying to get Foxy to respond.
"I-I dunno!" She panics, "I heard a strange noise and got Foxy, but when he got over here, it exploded!"
How did Dex get here so fast?
"Is anyone hurt?" Illoha rushes over with Bonnie close at her heels. She's carrying a medkit. Keori rushes down a few seconds later.
"Foxy isn't responding." Lexi admits.
"Isn't responding?!" Keori shrieks. She rushes over to him and I help her drag him out of the flames.
I put on my goggles and take a good look at him.
"Rebooting." Foxy's high-pitched voice states.
"Well, he's not dead." I sigh, "Highly damaged though. Keori, you're gonna need to repair him."
"Systems online." Foxy says, his eyes flutter open and Keori grins.
"You're okay!" She hugs him.
"What happened?" He asks.
"No idea." Bonnie shrugs.
Illoha, Bonnie, and I all share one unified look.
Isn't it oddly coincidental that Dex and Lexi were here when Foxy nearly gets blown up?
"Lexi, Dex stay here. I wanna talk to you. I just want to know what happened." Illoha states, "Bonnie, please help Keori bring Foxy upstairs."
Bonnie nods and helps Foxy stand up. As soon as they leave we turn to Dex and Lexi.
"I have no proof, but I know you had something to do with this." She scoffs, "Believe me, the moment I find some, you're done for."
Dex doesn't have any emotion, but Lexi looks slightly guilty.
"Lexi? Anything to share?" I ask.
"No, I'm just concerned about this gun." She smiles weakly.
"Alright, don't come down here again, okay?" I sigh, "Go."
They scurry away. I walk towards the hole where the cannon was supposedly fired.
"This isn't a cannon fire." I state.
"I didn't think so, I saw Dex messing with explosive chemicals in my med-bay earlier." Illoha admits.
"I think we have little traitors on our hands here." I laugh.
"We don't have proof." Illoha sighs.
"We have the lady upstairs." I smile, "Remember, Acron placed cameras everywhere."
"Even down here!" She exclaims happily.
"Let's go find the culprit." I smirk, "50 credits Dex made a bomb."
"50 credits Dex and Lexi swapped out the guns bullets for a bomb?" She suggests, "Would that work?"
"I mean maybe. Highly unlikely, but maybe." I laugh.
"Well, race you to the control room! No teleportation allowed!" She grins, running to the stairs.
"Oh that's easy!" I smile.
Time to find out what they've been up to.

(815 Words)

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