House Arrest

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Foxete's POV:

"Now, what do you want to talk to me about?" I ask Acron.
"First. Where have you been it's been 4 hours." Acron sighs, "Second, I need your help with Illoha."
"Huh?" I say, "Oh! I was with a friend."
"Oh like Bonnie?" He says raising an eyebrow.
"Acron I can't tell you now or here but as soon as we get off this planet I can explain." I sigh.
"No need. Bonnie already did." He says smiling.
That's a relief.
"Now what about Illoha?" I ask as he starts walking.
"Oh. You should see for yourself." He scowls as I follow behind.
Was he mad at me or at someone else? We begin walking to the kings office.
"Oh no." I say looking up the stairs.
"Yeah. Oh no is right." Acron laughs angrily.
    We walk up to the top and I see a transparent green force field around a bed, desk, bookstand and table. Inside it is the one and only, Princess Illoha Shayma. It looks like she's yelling but the force field is muting her voice.
"Ah I see your looking at my daughters house arrest." The governor chuckles.
"House Arrest?? That's house arrest?!?" I let out a short laugh.
"What?" The governor asks confused.
"I'm sorry, but is she your prisoner or your daughter?!" I scoff.
"Both." The governor answers crossing his arms.
"Sure. That makes total sense." I say sarcastically.
"Yes I agree." He smiles.
"That was sarcasm." I sigh.
Acron hides his laugh in a cough.
"Do you need water?" The governor asks him.
"No sir, I'm fine." Acron smiles and looks at me stifling a laugh.
"Can you unmute your daughter?" I ask him.
"No, because her language would be crude." The governor sighs.
"Oi Illoha! Don't cuss and the Governor will unmute you!" I yell at her.
I see her sigh and nod. The Governor looks taken aback. I smile with satisfaction at his disgust of my unladylike behavior.
The governor unmutes her, "Finally!" She groans.
"Hi, Princess." I say smiling.
"Hey Fox, Acron." She smiles back, "Now father where were we. Oh yes, Bonnie is innocent-" Illoha starts.
"No, I have not made a decision regarding your... request... Acron." The governor says ignoring his daughter, "If that's why your here. Please leave."
"That's not why I'm here sir, but I would love to express why Bonnie is innocent." Acron sighs.
"Leave." The governor demands, "The hybrid stays."
"Uh, no sir." Acron says, "She'll come with me."
"No she will not." He stares Acron dead in the eyes, "She will stay here or I will kill that Fox."
I walk forward, "I'll catch up to you later Acron. I'll be fine."
"Alright." Acron says hesitantly as he walks downstairs.
"Now. I need to mute and deafen my daughter" he says clicking buttons on a
"Is this necessary?" I sigh.
"Yes, it is. Address me as 'sir'." He says pulling out the galaxy sword, "Do you know what this is?"
I look at Illoha. She looks to be cussing her father out.
I nod, "Yes. That's Bonnie's sword."
"Who told you that?" He asks.
"Acron." I lie.
"Do you know why I have it?" He asks.
"No, sir." I lie again.
"Your lying." He sighs.
"Why would I lie." I ask. I can feel my heart beat a bit faster.
"I know your lying because my daughter told me you knew." He smiles bitterly, "I was testing your loyalty to her."
Oh. It was a good kind of test.
"Did I pass the test?" I say nervously.
"Yes." He sighs, "If my daughter can trust you with this, then I can trust you to roam the city. You may leave."
"Oh." I look at Illoha's prison and sigh, "When will she be let out?" I ask.
"Who knows. For now I will pay a visit to your friend Bonnie. You may stay here and talk to Illoha." He says unmuting her cage and un-deafening her.
"Wait! May I have my dagger back?" I sigh.
He nods, "It's on my desk."
He hurries out.
"Bye." I mutter.
"Hey you ok?"
Stupid butterflies again.
"yeah I'm fine!" I say faking a smirk, "Why you worried about me?"
I sit down.
"Yeah actually I am." She sighs.
She stares into my eyes like she's trying to figure me out. When she does that it's almost like she's reading my mind.
'Should I tell her about what happened with those boys?'
"What happened with what boys?" She says crossing her arms.
"Huh?" I say taken aback, "Did I say that outloud?!"
"No." She smirks as she sits, "I'm a telepath."
Oh. So when she stares at me she really is reading my thoughts.
"So?" She says as her smirk fades into a serious look.
"A few boys cornered me. I'm fine." I say as I smile.
'I wonder why she cares so much.' I think to myself.
"I care cause your my friend." She sighs, "Get that through your thick skull!"
"Hey!" I say crossing my arms and laughing, "I'll tell you I have a nice and good sized skull."
We laugh for a few minutes.
The governor comes briskly upstairs, "Leave, Foxete." He says looking at me sternly.
"Oh." I say solemnly as I stand up and shrug, "See ya Princess." I say as I walk down the stairs. I don't hear Illoha so I assume she's been muted.
I'll get you out of there, Princess.

(915 Words)

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