Am I alive?

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Foxete's POV:

I feel light. Everything hurts. My body is burning from the fire. I open my eyes to a blinding light. Is it the ship? My vision isn't blurry anymore.
"Where am I?" I cough.
I'm not.... dead am I?
I look around. I try to stand but I can't.
"Bonnie???" I cry out.
Am I alone? I want to cry and break into little pieces, but I can't find tears to shed.
I am just a kid. Just like Acron says.
A blue light surrounds me and I hear voices.
It's Illoha... I'm alive.
"Foxete wake up!"
That was Acron.
I can feel Acron's hands on my shoulder. The blue light swallows me and I stare up at the people surrounding me. Acron, Illoha, Foxy, and Bonnie.
"Ow." Is all I say.
Acron laughs and looks relieved. He looks like he was worrying. Illoha had tears in her eyes, but I don't think they're for me.
"Told you we could make it Beema..." I sigh with relief, Acron helps me sit up. My ribs hurt. The laughter dies down.
"What?" Foxy asks concerned.
I look behind me, "Beema and I..."
Realization hits.
Beema isn't here.
I look at Illoha, "You promised." She lets her tears spill down her cheeks.
"I should've known better than to trust a hybrid and an animatronic!" She yells.
My heart sank.
Didn't I just risk my life?
"Wait, wait, blame me I get it, but why "animatronic"?" I ask. I can barely move. The pain is awful.
"Oh! Bonnie here didn't pull you and Beema in because he was to busy being a "hero"! Now my best friend is dead! Thanks Bonnie." Illoha yells.
I just sit there. Illoha storms off.
"They told me to go to Keekos." I hold together my shaking voice.
"That's risky." Acron says.
"Yeah. So was what we just did." I smile sadly.
I go to look at Bonnie but he's gone. Great. I nearly died and he didn't even ask if I'm ok. Acron hugs me.
"I'm glad you're okay, kid." He chuckles.
"Thanks, man." I sigh, "I... uh... need medical attention."
Foxy crouches down and helps me stand.
"You look like crap, probably burned." I wince as Foxy tries to take me to the bathroom.
    They help me to the bathroom and Acron brings me a sweatshirt and sweatpants. They leave and I take off my armor and realize that I've been shot twice. Once in the arm, once in my side. My body has burns on my arms and legs.
"Acron?" I ask through the door, "Could you get fresh bandages? I need to patch myself up."
"Of course." He responds.
    I hear him walk off. A few moments later, he opens the door a bit and hands me the bandages. I grab them quickly and close the door. I sit in the shower and turn on the water.
I failed.
I limp out of the shower and dry myself off. I then bandage myself up and throw on the sweatshirt and pants.
Much better.
I leave the bathroom. Acron is there to help me. He brings me over to my bed and helps me sit.
"You need anything, just call, okay?" He smiles, "You're a brave kid."
I nod and he leaves. I can see the space station from my bed window. It's been blown up. Only we survived.

Only I survived the firefight.

(590 Words)

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