Some Captian

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Bonnie's POV:

    I gaze out into the beautiful stars and swirls of the galaxy. I can see the pinks and purples. The blues and greens. It's a beautiful swirl of colors. When I look out into the galaxy I can see the stars. Sometimes I think that each star is a poor dead civilian that Freddy's army had killed. I wish I went back to Freddy, but I'm too deep into this now. I could never leave them. Some captain I am. Everyone thinks I left for some stupid adventure. Little do they know I left to find something bigger, a family.
    Don't get me wrong, I love Kat, Fizzy, Jab, Foxy, and Freddy, but all anyone ever did there was yell at me. Every week I did something wrong. Now it seems that every week someone dies or we nearly die. At least these guys act like they care about me.
Is it bad I prefer this?

Foxy's POV:

I knock on the door to the cockpit as gently as possible.
"Bonnie?" I ask, "Could I come in?"
I hear him sigh, "Of course, Foxy."
    He sounded so monotone. He normally has an extremely happy tone so this was surprising. I walk in to see him standing by the window gazing out. Similar to what Keori and I do.
"I wanted to talk." I sigh.
"I'll listen." He pretends to smile, turning around.
"Please don't fake being happy, Bonnie." I say, sitting in a chair, "It's alright to be disturbed."
He sits in one as well, "Fake it 'til you make it, pal."
"Should we tell them about the sword?" I whisper.
"Yes. Well, not Keori or Toby. Just Fox, Acron, Illoha, and Keeva. They deserve to know."
"I think we should tell Keori..." My voice trails off thinking about how panicked she would be, "On second thought. Maybe not."
I hate leaving her out of things, but she would panic too much.
It's for her own good.

Foxete's POV:

"How about now?" I ask Arthur.
"No." He replies bluntly.
"Now?" I ask trying to pry the door open.
"No." Arthur sighs, clearly getting annoyed.
"Wait... is Arthur not letting Fox out of her room!?" I hear Keeva laugh from outside my door.
"Wait, what!?!" I yell.
I hear a bunch of laughter from outside my door, again.
"Arthur, why won't you let Fox out?" Acron laughs.
"She's intolerable and I believe more work would be done without her... annoyance." Arthur states bluntly.
"Damn Arthur. Ok." I laugh.
"Ooh the cold silence..." Keori giggles.
"Well. I'm gonna go get some food. Later Fox!" Keeva laughs.
"Yep bye!" Keori follows.
"I guess we're leaving you to rot. Bye." Acron says as he walks away.
I get ready to push against the door like a battering ram and run at it. Just then Arthur opens it and I stumble out and crash into the wall.
"What's going on!?" Illoha panics coming out of her room.
She starts giggling at the sight of me trying to get up.
"Ha. Ha. Ha." Arthur laughs.
"Oh I hate you." I groan rubbing my head.
"Need a hand?" Illoha asks trying to suppress her laughter. She hold out her hand to me.
I grab it and stand up, "Well thank you, Princess. Atleast someone..." I emphasize someone, "...was willing to help!"
She laughs, "Well at least we know Arthur has a sense of humor."
"Yeah? Almost as bad as Acrons." I roll my eyes.
"Ok, we'll let's join everyone upstairs shall we?" Illoha says nodding her head towards the stairs.
"Sure. Why not." I sigh.
Time to see what the others are up to.

(610 Words)

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