A new planet

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Foxete's POV:

I go outside and see Bonnie messing with the portal.
"What are you doing?" Keeva and I say at the same time. I turn around to see her in back of me.
"Oh. Sorry I didn't see you there." I laugh.
"Oh I'm trying to figure this portal out." Bonnie says not turning around.
"Oh. That's simple." I say walking towards the controls. They were a giant spiral radius with a ship in the middle, us. It detects other ships and planets. As we moved we got new planets in range for our sector of the galaxy.
"Each dot represents a planet nearby, but if you want to go someone out of this dimension you would need to think of it yourself Bonnie. You're the one in control of this portal." I say looking at it closer.
"That's it?" He asks me surprised.
"Yeah. If you double click on one of the dots it shows you the traits of the planet. Like air quality, gravity, intelligence, life, all that good stuff." I say double clicking on the planet closets to us.
"Here. This one is... unnamed. Low intelligence, good resources..." I say reading, "Sounds like a good planet to get supplies from."
"Alright then we should set course there." Illoha says walking up behind me.
"Arthur could you do that?" Keeva asks our A.I.
"Oh course." The A.I responds.
I don't know if it's just me but he sounds like one of my old friend Kat's boyfriend, Davis, but with a British accent.
"Perfect." I say walking upstairs.
I go into the rec-room and look in the fridge.
"We have no food." Acron says from the couch. He seems to be fixing the TV again.
"Didn't I just fix that?" I ask him pointing at the TV.
"Yes, but Toby accidentally slimed it." Acron sighs.
"Oh well, after that's done do ya want to watch The Office while we wait to land on the planet?" Bonnie asks.
"The Office?" Illoha asks confused.
"Don't tell me you've never watched the Office!" Bonnie gasps.
"I haven't." Keori laughs.
"Nor have I." Keeva says crossing her arms.
"Actually, I haven't either." I respond.
"What?" Acron laughs, "How have I watched it and you haven't?"
"It was made after I came here Acron! 2001 right?" I laugh.
"No, 2005." Bonnie scoffs.
"Oh ours came out 2028." Acron laughs.
"Wait what year did you come from, Fox?" Foxy asks, "I know you're a time traveler but still!"
"Oh, did I not say? 1987." I say waiting for their responses, "Also I'm not a time traveler. Not exactly. It's more complicated."
"You're old!!" Keori laughs, "Older than Acron!"
"Wayy older than Acron!" Illoha laughs, "It's 2031!"
"Wait what?!" I say surprised, "We traveled wayyy too far man!!" I look at Bonnie.
"Wait when we're you born?" Keeva asks laughing.
"1971." I sigh.
"That's 60 years ago!" Illoha laughs.
"Ok, ok so what???" I laugh.
"So you left when you were 16?" Acron asks me.
"Yep." I nod at him.
"Jeez that's young." Bonnie laughs.
"Wait so you were alive before Freddy?" Foxy asks.
"Well yeah. I was 14 when the first Freddy Fazbear was made." I sigh, "I helped design Foxy and Bonnie."
"Really?" Keeva says interested.
"I'm sorry to break this history lesson but we're here." Arthur interrupts.
"That was quick." I say walking out of the rec room to the window. The planet looked like Earth.
"I'll tell you guys more about Freddy after we make sure it's safe. For now that's a sneak peak at what Earth looked like." I say pointing at the planet.
Everyone looked out the window.
"It's really beautiful." Keeva says, "Too bad it was destroyed."
"Most of the planets Freddy destroys are beautiful. I just had to learn that beauty doesn't last." Foxy sighs.
"That's depressing." I laugh.
"Yeah." Illoha agrees.
"Should I land?" Arthur asks.
"Not yet." I say.
I walk downstairs and check the engines for damage. I tell Bonnie to check the portal stability. Once we've confirmed it was safe I gave Arthur the O.K. to land.
"Now, we watch The Office." Bonnie says brining up his box set.
"Ok?" Illoha laughs.
I don't think I could've asked for a better crew.

(730 Words)

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