Our 3rd S.O.S

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Foxy's POV:

I'm about to send my friends onto a lava planet. I should be the one who's going. I stand next to Foxete as we watch Keeva and Bonnie get into the jet.
"Foxy, I set up a teleporter inside the back of the ship so we could go through it if they need help." She whispers to me.
"Good. Get your armor on." I whisper back.
"Foxy, I don't have heat resistant armor." Foxete sighs
The ship begins to take off and we clear the loading bay. A force field separates us and the void of space.
"So, you'd go in alone." She says, waving to Bonnie.
"Got it." I nod.
"I should make upgrades to my armor, shouldn't I?" She laughs.
"Probably." I sigh.
"Keep me posted. I'll go work on armor and weapons." She walks away.
"Alright." I say as the force field fades out.
Time to get ready.

Foxete's POV:

I sit down and put my armor on the table in front of me. I'm going to tinker with the armor until it's better and stronger Hate to admit it, but I kinda miss Davis. He would talk to me when everyone else was asleep. Mostly insult me, but it was still talking. A few minutes after I finished my chest plate, Icey wanders in.
"Uh, hey Icey." I wave.
"Oh, hello." She smiles in response.
"Where's Acron? Wasn't he meant to be watching you?" I ask.
"He told me to find you. Everyone else is asleep." She walks over and sits next to me.
"Well, I'm going to be quite boring." I sigh.
"Well, what are you doing?" She asks.
"Upgrading my armor." I explain, "I need it to withstand stronger temperatures."
"Oh. Very nice." She smiles.
    Icey is really tall. Like 6'4 or something. She looks like a bunny to be honest. Her fur is a grayish brown and her hair is brown. She wears a golden headband as well. She has a British Accent too. She picks up her giant hoop skirt when she walks. She's what my parents would've called, a perfect lady.
"You know, I used to act a lot like you." I sigh.
"How so?" She asks.
"When I was younger, around 6 I had to wear nice dresses and talk properly. I had to be vain and poise. I wasn't allowed to speak unless spoken too." I roll my eyes, "Seems I was set up for failure."
"You don't like dresses?" Icey asks.
"Not very fond, no." I laugh, not coldly, a nice laugh.
"You seem quite different now." She states.
"Oh, I'm the opposite of what my biological parents wanted." I grin.
"Oh dear." She shakes her head.
"No, I did it on purpose. To spite them. I became a soldier. I don't talk with proper grammar and I completely abandoned my London accent." I explain, "I prefer it this way."
"We had humans on our planet." Icey hesitates, "Some, we're from that place, London."
"Yes, it's on Earth." I bite my cheek.
"So you've been to Earth?" Icey asks.
"Yeah, years ago." I lie, "Earth is destroyed."
"Destroyed?" She asks, alarmed.
"Yes. Earth was obliviated by Freddy." I snarl.
"Freddy?" Icey asks.
I turn around, "Icey, you don't know who Freddy is?"
"Uhm, no?" She admits.
"Oh my actual god." My mouth hangs agape, "How have you survived?"
"What? Is it common knowledge?" She asks.
"He's the space tyrant that has been ruling for the past few years!" I laugh, "This crew, is a rebellion against him."
Icey processes this.
"Did nobody tell you?" I sigh.
"Nobody." She nods.
"Well, you were safer wherever you came from, I'll tell you that." I sigh.
Icey mumbles something I can't hear.
"What was that?" I ask.
"Oh, nothing." She smiles, "I need to use the restroom. Where is it?"
"Down the left hall to the right. Should be the first door." I ask suspiciously.
"I'll be back soon." She gets up and leaves.
"Take your time." I turn and continue my work.
Where did that girl come from?

(680 Words)

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