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Foxete's POV:

The three of us walk into the kings office.
"Ok so, my dad is the governor of our planet." Illoha begins.
"Governor?" Acron asks.
"I think we have a bit of a language barrier. My father is the ruler of my planet." Illoha smiles slightly.
I nod, "Your dad is a king by my definition."
"So, you really are a princess, Princess!" Acron smiles.
"What?" She laughs.
"Anyways. My Father isn't a man to be messed with, Foxete I'm referring to you. No sarcasm. He doesn't get it." She sighs.
"Damn, so he's the definition of an old man." I grin.
"Yes. He also won't be to thrilled to have me back, nor to have me in company with a hybrid." She shakes her head.
We all walk upstairs. I see a man standing behind a desk. I've noticed Illoha was the only one with antennae.
The man had white hair and was wearing a suit. I was just wearing a baggy t-shirt half tucked into ripped jeans. I was definitely underdressed.
"Uhm, Father?" Illoha says putting on fake confidence, "You wished to see me?"
"Illoha." The man says turning around, "You brought a guest."
He looks at Acron with a friendly look. Then his attention turns to me who was hiding behind Illoha.
"And a hybrid." His expression was cold, "Stop hiding behind my daughter."
I step out and stand next to her. I don't smile. I just stand there looking at him.
"Welcome to Keekos. I am Kreko, the governor here." He says going to shake Acron's hand. Acron shakes it hesitantly.
"Father I-" Illoha begins.
"Silence." He snaps at her.
I'm guessing these two don't get along.
I don't like him.
Illoha falls silent.
"Wow, you talk to your daughter like that?" I scoff.
"Excuse me?" The king snaps.
    He gets closer. Despite my heart beating faster than ever, I stand my ground. This species makes me nervous, I don't know why.
"I said, you shouldn't talk to your daughter like that." I stare him in the face.
He raises his eyebrows, "Your name?"
"Foxete." I clench my hands into fists.
He looks concerned, "You're named after the animatronic?"
I ignore the comment.
"My crew needs supplies and support." I sigh, "That is why we're here."
"How so?" He says looking at me.
I honestly didn't expect him to listen, "We need food due to the fact we only have mushroom stew from Acron's cow. We also need medical supplies."
He looks at me surprised, "I didn't expect you to have much confidence. We Evons have that effect."
"Foxete has a lot of... confidence." Acron smiles worriedly.
"I will get you the things you need, but I want to stand the animatronics at trial." He says sitting at his desk.
"What?" I say taken aback, "I get Foxy but I swear Bonnie isn't the same one!"
Kreko looks interested, "Not the same one?"
"Different model. Bonnie has a different model number. I've worked on him myself." Acron chimes in.
"I see..." He says writing something down, "Thank you for enlightening me. You two may leave. I would like a word with my daughter."
I look back at Illoha. I go to open my mouth, but Acron grabs my wrist.
"Thank you." He says as he drags me downstairs, "See you later, Princess."
Once we were 2 floors down I say, "You think she'll be alright?"
"Illoha? Yeah. Your girlfriend will be fine." Acron laughs.
"Hey!" I roll my eyes.
I hope she'll be ok.

I walk back onto the ship. Acron goes off on his own. I decide that I should probably visit Freddy and the gang, right? Would they even want to see me without Bonnie? Eh, worth a shot. I hop through the portal and appear in the pizzeria. I walk through the door and see Freddy offline on stage.
Ok Fox, what do you say.
I walk up to Freddy's stage and clap my hands. That will turn him on due to the fact he's motion activated.
"Hello and Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's" He says regaining consciousness, "Oh! Fox? What are you doing here?"
I smile. "Uh just wanted to stop by." I say awkwardly. We stare at eachother.
"Listen man Bonnie is in trouble." I sigh.
"How so?" Freddy says concerned.
"He's being framed for the murder of trillions." I laugh.
"What?" Freddy laughs.
"Yeah and you have trillions more blood on your hands!" I laugh nervously.
"That's awful!" Freddy looks down at his feet, "How can I help?"
I frown, "That's the problem."
"What?" He asks.
"You can't help." I sigh and sit on the edge of the stage. He does the same.
"What do you mean?" He says looking at me.
"If your face gets shown there you'll get shot dead immediately. I'm sorry Fred there's nothing I can do. My hands are tied." I stand up.
"F-F-ox" I hear my signal tuner break up the audio.
"Acron?" I say picking it up.
"W-h-ere ar- y-u" the audio breaks up again.
"I should go." I say not looking at Freddy.
"Yeah. Visit more often too Fox. Despite what you might think I do miss you." He sighs.
"Yeah... see ya pal." I say not looking back and walking to the portal. I don't want to look at him. I know he's hurt.
I go through the portal and sneak out of the ship. People were surrounding it. Strange. I walk over to the hospital wing.
"Hey Keori." I say sitting on the edge of the small girls bed.
"H-hey." She says meekly.
"How are you feeling?" I ask smiling.
"Better..." She manages to smile sadly, "Acron came earlier and was looking for you."
"Really? How long ago?" I ask.
"Hours." She laughs.
Oh yeah. Time works different everywhere we go. 1 hour in this dimension could mean 10 hours in another.
"I should find him then." I say standing up, "Feel better Keori."
I walk off and next thing you know it I bump into something.
"Ooh, hey there." A boy says. He looks about 16.
"Uh, hi?" I say stepping away from him, "Sorry about that. I guess I need to watch where I'm going."
He steps closer to me, "We don't see hybrids here often."
"We?" I ask. 3 other boys step behind him, "Oh."
Ok so these guys want trouble. What are my options?
1. Fight them and cause a scene.
2. Run away
3. Call for help (no way am I doing that)
4. Tell them to back off.
I went with 4.
"I suggest you back the hell off." I say stepping away.
"Oh? What do you think you'll be able to do?" He laughs.
They were bigger then me, but that doesn't mean I can't hurt them.
"I'm warning you." I cross my arms, "Get out of my way."
I go to grab my dagger but quickly realize the General has it. Crap.
He steps closer, "Warning me about what?"
Abort, Abort, Abort, Abort.
I prepare myself to get into a full on fist fight with these 4 boys, but before they can attack me, I hear Acron. "Hey! Kids! Scram!" Acron in his 6 feet of glory runs over and stands in front of me looking like he wants to kill those boys.
They scurry away yelling.
"Bro let's go!"
"Get outta here!"
"And stay away brats!" I yell triumphantly.
Acron turns to me, "You ok, kid?" He looks genuinely concerned.
"I- uh yeah." I smile at him.
I really don't know what would've happened if he wasn't there.
"Now, what did you want to talk to me about?"

(1290 words)

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