The Traitor

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Bonnie's POV:

I know who the traitor is. It's obvious! We let Nova and Kip out because it wasn't them. Illoha confirmed this with her mind reading stuff, it has to be Arie. I grab a gun from the weapons closet and storm to the prison bay.
"Bonnie?" Foxete asks. She seems to have put Ophelia and Arie in separate cells, along with letting Icey out.
"Where is Icey?" I ask her.
"With Foxy." She responds, not looking at me.
It's fine that she hates me right now. Wounds heal overtime.
"Get the rest of the crew." I demand.
"Would a "please" kill you?" She scoffs, leaving.
A few minutes later and the rest of the crew, minus Acron, who's asleep. I count them off, Kip, Nova, Icey, Foxete, Illoha, Keeva, Keori, Toby, Foxy.
"Alright." I begin, "Don't stop me."
"I'm sorry, what?" I hear Foxete ask as I open Arie's cell door and drag her out to the middle with a gun to her head.
"Bonnie, no!" Keori gasps.
"Tell me, Arie, are you sending Freddy out our coordinates?" I snap, ignoring Keori.
"No! Are you insane!" She hisses at me.
"Bonnie let her go." Foxete loads her gun.
"What, are you going to shoot me?" I laugh.
"It won't kill you, but it won't be nothing, so I suggest you let her go. It's not her." Fox snarls.
"I'll give everyone 5 seconds to tell me if you're the traitor. If not, I'll kill her." I say bluntly.
"5." I spit out.
'Great job Bonnie. Taking initiative.' Puppet whispers.
"4." I look around.
"3?" I laugh.
As I'm about to say 2 someone pipes up, "Stop! Stop! I did it!"
I look over to see Ophelia in tears.

Foxete's POV:

I'm not surprised.
"I didn't mean to! Freddy.... was very persuasive." She sobs.
Bonnie drops Arie and I help her up.
"Bonnie." I warn.
He snaps to look at me, "Yes, Foxete?"
"Don't kill her. There are better ways to handle this." I sigh.
"I'm worried about this crew's safety." He scoffs.
"So am I, but you didn't see me kill Icey, or Nova, or Kip, or Arie did you?" I sigh, "You didn't see Foxy kill Arie after she punched Keori, did you?"
"No." He sighs.
"It's our fault, we didn't search her enough." Keeva speaks up.
"It's true." Nova laughs, "I still had my lock pick."
"Yeah, but you couldn't have used it in that type of door." I smile.
"Fair, but still." Nova smiles slightly.
"Fine, I won't kill Ophelia, but Arie needs to remain locked up, in a different cell." Bonnie gives in, "So she won't... help her escape."
"I think that's fair." I agree.
I lead Arie back to her cell quickly as Keori takes Bonnie to the workshop.
'That was nearly a disaster.' Puppet laughs.
"Stop talking, Puppet, nobody cares." I roll my eyes.
"What?" Arie asks.
"Oh, not you. There's this weird invisible animatronic that likes messing with peoples heads. If you hear him, tell us." I sighs
"Got it." Arie smiles weakly.
You're right about one thing Puppet.
That could've ended really badly.

(525 Words)

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