Another S.O.S

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Foxete's POV:

I wake up to Illoha shaking me.
"I'm up. I'm up. Who died? What happened?" I ask groggily.
"You were pale white and sweating horribly, so I woke you up." Illoha worries, "You started whimpering too..."
I can't say I had a nightmare.
"You had a nightmare, didn't you?" She sighs.
"You really need to stop reading my mind, Princess." I roll my eyes.
"Sorry I can't help it." She smiles apologetically.
I stand up, "I'm fine. I promise."
"Don't promise things that aren't true." She says bluntly.
"Yes ma'am." I roll my eyes.
I leave the med-bay with Illoha and we finally get to explore. We walk around, exploring different rooms. We see Acron and Keori taking out trackers on the ship, but we don't bother them. There's a massive workshop, big enough for the whole crew. This whole ship is absolutely huge. We make our way to the barracks where we see 8 "rooms" with 2 sets of bunk beds in each. I say "rooms" because there is only 2 walls. The bed are open otherwise. We can now hold up to 32 people on this ship! If we add the 4 others who are in the prison to our current 8 we get 12 beds taken. That's 20 other people we can add to the crew. Suddenly, Foxy interrupts my extremely difficult counting with an announcement.
"There's another S.O.S!" Foxy yells.
"Cool. Where?" I ask.
"About an hour away." He states.
I smile, "Foxy, get the crew prepped."
No breaks...

(260 Words)

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