Helping the idiots

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Foxete's POV:

"So we just feed them the stew?" Illoha asks.
"Yeah." Bonnie tells her.
"We should do a test run just incase we don't like the results." I sigh.
"I agree. Doing it all at once may cause disaster." Keori agrees.
"Ok. The plan is to go down there and give Ted a stew. Then we see results. If we're good with the results then we'll feed them all the stew, but if we don't we high tail it off this planet." Bonnie says going through the list.
"Ok." Keori says.
"Sounds good." I reply.
"It's a plan." Illoha sighs.
    I go upstairs to grab a stew from Mr. Fluffers, and surprisingly don't have to. There's one just sitting on the counter, untouched. We all walk down to the village and see Ted.
"Hey Ted!" Bonnie calls out.
"Hi friends!" Ted says cheerfully.
He comes over.
"We've brought you a gift!" Illoha says handing him to stew. "Wanna try it?"
"Ok!" He says, and without hesitation he eats it all.
"One.... One moment please." He says as he leaves in a hurry.
We wait a few minutes but then we hear him scream "What did you do to me!?!"
He runs back. He was still ugly, but his head was smaller? He looked more human now.
"What did you do to me?" He says crying.
"Desired outcome?" I ask Bonnie.
"Listen Ted-" Keori starts.
"My name is Timothy!" He yells.
"Ok Tim." Bonnie says stepping in front of Keori, "How are you feeling?"
"Like everything is coming back at once!!" He starts crying and picks up a sword.
I immediately draw my dagger. After seeing that he throws it at the ground and runs away crying.
"We gotta go." I say turning to face them, "Now."
We run back to our ship and don't stop until the door is closed.
"Did ya get the supplies already?" Acron says groggily coming out of his room.
"No." I say, "We gave Ted...Tim? Whatever, we gave his smarts back."
"How'd it go?" Acron asks.
"Horribly." Keori says quietly.
"Ok so should we leave?" Acron aks.
"No. We need supplies." Illoha sighs.
"I agree." I say defeated, "As much as I don't trust Tim as the only smart one, we need stuff."
"We should go with Foxy tomorrow then." Keori says trying to sound up-beat.
"Ok, he'll protect us." Illoha says relived.
"I could too you know." I say as I pretend to pout.
"Yeah, but people are more scared of Foxy than you." Illoha says rolling her eyes.
"Fair enough." I smile.
"Tomorrow then." Bonnie says walking upstairs.
"Tomorrow." I say looking outside the window.

One day later

We begin to walk back to the village, this time with Foxy and GlubGlub, but without Acron. We show Foxy the horses and the ravine.
"Uh oh." Foxy says.
"Uh oh?" I ask.
"Look to your right." Foxy says sadly.
I look over and I see a giant crater.
Right where the village should be.
"Oh gods." I say rushing over.
There isn't anyone around. We checked everywhere.
"Tim must have gone crazy..." Illoha sighs, "Poor man."
"Yeah clearly he was mentally distraught." Bonnie says throwing his hands up.
    I walk around the crater sifting through the rubble. I pick up some books. I pack them in the bag I have. They were about medical stuff according to the covers.
"What should we do?" I sigh.
"The only thing we can. Take what we need and leave." Foxy sighs.
Bonnie, Keori, Toby, and Foxy stay behind to look for supplies while Illoha and I walk back to the ship.
What have we done?

(615 Words)

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