The Blue Man's Plan

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Foxete's POV:

Gotta say. Not a fan of this plan. Acron turned Bonnie into the evil version of him in space.
"This is stupid." I say, "Foxy won't fall for this!"
"Trust me he will." Acron says.
"Whatever you say." I sigh.
"Hey can you go outside and find GlubGlub?" Acron asks.
"Sure?" I say.
    I walk outside but as soon as I find GlubGlub I hear a gunshot. I draw the gun I took from Acron's hut and go inside. Bonnie is awake and cursing Acron out while Acron is typing on his computer.
"Relax Bonnie, I'll fix you later!" He sighs.
"Yeah, but that hurt!" Bonnie exclaims.
"Not as much as being torn apart by Foxy." Acron replies.
"What the hell happened." I say with my gun in my hand.
"First of all, kid, put the gun away." Acron says, going to grab the gun but I put it behind my back.
"Alright we need to confirm you won't kill me here, kid." Acron says.
I look at Bonnie and he gestures for me to put it down and away, so I do.
"Alright we ok now?" Acron says with his hands surrendered.
"Yeah." I say crossing my arms and leaning against the wall. "Next time don't tell me to go outside if your gonna shoot my best friend. It might give me the wrong idea."
Acron laughed nervously, "yeah I guess that was a bit stupid. Where'd you learn to fight?"
"What's the next part of the plan." I say, completely avoiding the question.
"Well Bonnie is gonna go and talk to Foxy and try and convince him to go to your ship. We will follow close behind him for backup." Acron says, "Your parents teach you to fight?"
"No." I laugh, "And uh, Acron last time I fought Foxy I got thrown into the woods."
"We just need to trick him long enough." Acron says, "Come on Bonnie let's go practice."
The two leave followed by Toby.
I still don't trust him.

I see Bonnie begin walking towards Foxy's base. Acron told me to take to the trees and follow Bonnie just in case. As Bon nears the base he looks around for us, but we're hidden too well. I toss a rock out to show him that I'm here. He smiles and continues. When he gets there he puts a mean face on and drops his southern accent just like Acron said.
"Foxy." He says in a mean voice. It's similar to his, but without the accent.
"Foxy open the door." He continues. Foxy opens the door and sees him.
"S-sir!" He says nervously, "I wasn't expecting you!" Bonnie looks mean. He's playing his part well.
This may actually work.
"This planet has been a complete failure Foxy. We're taking you elsewhere." He says.
"B-but I-it's been quite the success so far I mean growth has-" Foxy begins.
"Did I ask for exuses?" Bonnie interrupts, "Are you questioning Freddy and my authority?"
"N-no sir!" Foxy says quickly. Foxy takes off his mask. That's a Foxy model. A beat up one at that from the scars on his face, but he is a Foxy.
What happened to you?
"So you want me to abandon it sir?" Foxy says only now his voice is squeaky. High pitched. He must have had a voice changer in the mask.
"Yes. Now come with me." Bonnie commands.
"But sir, the weapons! They were..." Foxy's voice trails off.
Bonnie gets really close to Foxy. He backs him into the hut. Whatever he said to him, Foxy looks positively mortified. Hey follows Bonnie with no hesitation. They go all the way back to the green territory.
"Sir why didn't you land in the red area?" Foxy asks.
"I wanted to scare the green tribe." Bonnie laughs.
"Oh... haha..." Foxy says nervously.
Look whose scared now!
The 3 of us run over to some slime huts while Bonnie covers for us by talking to the King Slime. Acron runs over to the ship first, then he signals for me to do it aswell. I take Toby and hop into the bathroom to hide as Bonnie brings Foxy over.
"Welcome back sir." Acron says, getting caught before hiding.
If he's the reason we all die, I'll kill him in the afterlife.
"Those...annoying slimes didn't break our engines I assume?" Bonnie asks in his evil voice.
"They'd be too afraid to, sir." Acron plays along.
"Very well then." Bonnie continues his act.
As soon as Foxy gets locked in the prison I leave the bathroom with GlubGlub. Acron goes in after us and throws up
"Hell yeah, Bon!" I smile and high five him, "I thought we were dead."
"That was terrifying!" GlubGlub cries.
"Shut up! I whisper, "he'll hear us!"
"Oh my god." Acron shakes his head, "So, what now friends?"
What do we do indeed.

(820 Words)

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