What is love?

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Bonnie's POV:

I wake up in my captain's chair as always.
"Morning Arthur." I say with enthusiasm.
"Goodmorning, sir." He responds bluntly.
"What's the meaning of life Arthur?" I say as I walk over to the window to admire how beautiful space was.
"Do you need a psychologist, sir?" Arthur asks me.
"No, no" I laugh, "Just pulling your leg." I say walking out of the room.
"I have no legs, sir." Aurthur says.
"That's the joke." I sigh.
I walk past Foxy and Keori looking out into space.I laugh to myself. Acron and Foxete call them a couple but to be honest I have no idea what love is to begin with.I suddenly hear a ginormous boom. I race downstairs to see Acron by the portal. What happened?

Illoha's POV:

I wake up to a extremely loud bang and throw on one of my sweaters. I quickly realize one is missing, eh ,I'll find it later. I open the door just as Fox was about to knock.
"What was that?" I asks her confused.
"The portal." She responds bluntly. She looks exhausted.
"Is that my sweater?"  I asks her laughing. I guess I did find it!
"I took it last night from the rec-room because it was cold." She shrugs. I can help but see her smile and smile back.
"Yeah, yeah." I laugh.
"So did nobody hear that explosion?!" Acron asked coming through the doorway.
"I did. " She shrugs again, "I just didn't care."
"Well start caring, because your helping me fix it, Fox." Acron sighs.
"Noooo." She groans, "Just let me relax!"
"No can do." He smiles, "Come on. Get your armor on and help me get this redstone working." I laugh as the two walk out of the room. I get dressed and head upstairs for breakfast.

Bonnie's POV:

I walk into the rec room and I see Illoha sitting at the table.
"Morning." She says. She seems to be eating a strange pink food.
"What's that your eating?" I ask her.
"A fruit from my planet." She says tiredly.
"Yeah?" I say looking closing the door and sitting down in the chair across from her, "The 'lovebirds' are outside." I joke.
"Foxy and Keori?" She laughs.
"That what Acron and Fox call them!" I laugh, "To be honest I don't know why they call them that. I don't really understand love."
"I wouldn't expect you to." She smiles, "Fox barely knows what actual love is, not just 'tough love'." She sighs.
"Yeah I mean I'd ask any of the other members of the crew but they either don't know, would laugh, or would kill me." I sigh.
"I'm guessing Keeva is the 'would kill me' person." Illoha says crossing her arms.
"You got it!" I laugh.
"So you want me to explain?" She asks me.
"If it's not to much to ask, yeah?" I sigh.
"No, no its fine." She reassures me, "Love is..." she thinks for a moment, "Love is when you care so much about a person that all you want to do is make them happy. You want them to laugh. You laugh at the stupid jokes they make. The ridiculous stuff they say or do. You would help them through tough times. It's someone who makes you feel safe." She sighs. "Is that good?"
"Yeah." I say processing what she said, "It sounds like you had experience."
"I loved once." She sighs, "They aren't around anymore."
"I'm sure they escaped your planet." I try to reassure her.
"No, no, they're gone. She's gone." Illoha says choking up.
"Oh, I'm... I'm sorry." I say, not sure how to respond.
"It was Beema." She says looking at me sadly. There was no resentment. Just sadness.
"Oh." Was all I could say.
"It wasn't acceptable on my planet. My mother knew. She accepted me. I think my father knew, so that's why I was such a big disappointment." She sighs.
"You're not a disappointment to us. To be honest I don't think I've seen Fox be so comfortable around anyone except you." I say reassuring her again.
"Thank you Bonnie." Illoha smiles at me, "I just wish I told her how I felt."
"Well there's plenty of fish in the sea after all." I say, "Well plenty of fish in the... galaxy?" I sigh, "I'm no good at this."
"There's plenty of stars in the sky." She laughs, "That's what Fox says."
"Well then yeah." I shrug, "I don't think your very interested in Keeva or Keori." I laugh.
"Oh gods no." She scoffs, Keeva is 23 and Keori is 15."
"Hm... Fox?" I joke.
"I mean she's pretty but I don't think she'd like me that way." Illoha sighs, "I'm not ready to move on anyways."
I get up, "Maybe so, maybe not. I'm going to leave you to it. If you need to talk I'm all ears." I say smiling at her.
"Alright. Thanks, Bonnie." She says going back to her pink fruit.
I leave the room. Mission Foxete and Illoha has begun.

(850 Words)

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