A Solid Plan

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Foxete's POV:

I sit in the navigation globe with Foxy. He's teaching me how to pilotage navigate the ship.
"Ok, so you just punch in coordinates here." He points as he talks, "Track signals here, auto-pilot here, and cameras here."
"That's it?" I ask.
"Well, you can control the guns here." He points to a screen to my left that shows the front and back of the ship.
"I think I got it." I smile.
"Alright great!" He smiles back.
I turn back to face the console when I hear a beeping noise.
Morse Code?
"It reads S.O.S." Foxy and I say at the same time.
"You know Morse code?" He asks.
"Yep." I track the signal.
It's coming from a planet pretty close to here, called Beveza. Only a few thousand miles.
"10,000 miles away." Foxy states, "We could make it."
"Probably should call a meeting..." I pick up my signal tuner.
Yeah, seems responsible." Foxy smiles.
"Whatcha smilin' about?" I laugh.
"You're not gonna make this call serious, are you?" He crossing his arms.
"You know it!" I call everyone's tuners, except Foxy's.
"Attention idiots of the galaxy. I formally request your presence in the main hub. We have a tad bit of a problamo. Nothing too serious, of course. If you're sleeping, Acron I'm looking at you, wake up." I announce.
"On point." Foxy laughs.
"Amazing, as always." I flip my hair.
Time to plan.
Foxy and I walk out of the globe and straight into the workshop. I look around at the group gathered. Foxy and I stand at the head as everyone forms a semi-circle around us. Acron, Bonnie, Keeva, Keori, Kip, Nova, Ophelia, Arie, Bonnie, GlubGlub, Illoha, and Icey.
"So, what's this about?" Acron asks.
"We got another S.O.S." Foxy states, "We will send 2 people down in that jet to check it out."
"Awesome. Anyone in mind?" Bonnie asks.
"Wait, me?" Foxy asks, taken aback.
"Yeah! You lead this mission." Bonnie smiles.
Wow he's letting someone else plan for once. Maybe it's just a me and him thing.
"Okay!" Foxy grins, "Keeva, Arie, and Nova, I want you four to prepare the jet with weapons, food, and other supplies. Illoha, could you prepare medkits?"
"On it." The girls nod.
"Keori, Fox, and I suppose GlubGlub, could you make sure the pocket teleporter and transmitter are working?" He asks.
"Got it." I nod.
I really wanted to go on this mission! Do they think I'm too weak to handle it? I thought maybe Foxy might think I was strong enough.
"Acron and Bonnie, prepare for takeoff." Foxy smiles.
"Ayy! Let's hope I don't hit a tree!" Acron laughs sadly.
"The sarcasm radiates off of you." I roll my eyes.
"Ophelia and Icey, help Illoha with the medkits." Foxy orders, "Please." He adds.
"What about me?" Kip signs.
"Sit there and look pretty." Foxy gives him a thumbs up, which makes us all laugh.
"Go team!" Toby cheers.
Go team indeed.

(500 Words)

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