Friends Again

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Foxete's POV:


"Hey Fox." Bonnie smiles at me timidly.
"Hey." I say bluntly.
"What happened to us?" Bonnie sighs.
I walk down and stand next to Bonnie, "We pushed each other away."
We stand in silence.
"I'm sorry." His voice cracks, "I'm so, so sorry."
"For what? Puppet stressing you out?" I ask smiling.
"No! For being a jerk. I called you a traitor, I told everyone you used to be an assassin, I'm a horrible friend!" He breaks down.
He's just a kid.
"Bonnie." I soothe, "I'm okay! I'm not mad at you. It's alright." I sigh.
"I'm really sorry." He sighs.
"It's alright. Freddy wants us to go to the pizzeria for my birthday." I smile.
"Oh right! Your birthday is next week." He grins.
"Yep. We'll be on the Yizel planet by then." I change the subject.
"Yeah, we will." He nods.
"For now, we should go talk to Foxy about that S.O.S." I begin walking to the navigation hub, Bonnie follows.
Let's go see that S.O.S

Keeva's POV:

I grab my helmet out of storage. I took it off because I didn't think I'd need it, but if I'm going down to this lava planet, I'll need heat protection. As I leave the storage closet I see Foxete and Bonnie talking, not arguing, just talking, as they walk down the hallway. It's nice to see they've stopped fighting. They've been at each other for weeks now.
"Morning Keeva." Foxete smiles.
"It's actually evening." Bonnie jokes.
"Well, evening then Keeva." Fox rolls her eyes.
I laugh, "Meeting Foxy?"
"Yep! Cleaning your armor?" Fox asks.
"Oh, no. I'm preparing to go down to the S.O.S." I smile.
"Oh?" Fox raises her eyebrows, "I thought I was going down? That's why I was called back."
"You are." Bonnie confirms, "You're going with Keeva and I."
"Bonnie." Fox laughs, "There's only 2 seats on the jet."
"Ah." Bonnie sighs, "That's a problem."
"I don't have heat resistant armor, Keeva should go." Fox sighs.
"You can borrow mine. They'll be plenty of other missions." I volunteer.
"Thank you, but I'm much shorter than you are Keeva. The armor wouldn't fit." She smiles, as we walk into the hub.
"Alright." Foxy smiles, "You ready to go?"
"Yep!" Bonnie smiles.
"Great. Fox, you're learning to fly the ship. I don't trust Ophelia." Foxy opens the navigation hub, which I had no idea was the giant globe.
It had changed color to a crimson to match the planet.
"I had no idea that this was there." I laugh.
"Yep! This is where I pilot the ship." Foxy
"Fabulous." Fox smiles.
Alright. Ready for takeoff.

(445 Words)

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