A Friendly Meeting

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Foxete's POV:

"I want to rescue El Chip." Bonnie says.
"Who?" I reply.
"Jab, Fox." Bonnie sighs. I stand silent.
    Jab was a kid back in the pizzeria who died and appeared in the El Chip animatronic. Based on what Illoha said he's been trying to kill her and is in charge of taking over this space station.
"That's a horrible idea." I scoff.
"What?" Bonnie looks shocked.
"We... can't do that." I reply.
"Thank you!" Foxy says.
"Yeah..." Acron agrees with us.
"What do you mean?" Bonnie asks. I can tell he's getting a bit irritated.
"Bonnie. El Chip isn't... Jab." I sigh recalling the conversation with him earlier.
"Of course he is!" Bonnie says.
"Bonnie-" I start.
"No!" He interrupts, "I want to save him! We saved Foxy!" He raises his voice.
"What if he doesn't want to be "saved"!" I say raising my voice.
"Why aren't you trusting me on this!?" He says, clearly angry.
"Bonnie, Foxy told me certain animatronics don't want to be saved and they're loyal to Freddy!" I say brining my voice back to normal level.
"I did say that." Foxy says backing me up.
"I want to save Jab. I want to try. Not trying is out of the question. I'm the captain! Understood?" His voice was stern.
"Understood... "Captain"." I say turning and walking out.
    Foxy and Acron don't follow me. I half expected at least Acron to. I wander over to Illoha, "Hey." I say trying to hide my anger.
"Hey." She says turning around, "You look pissed."
"Yeah. Had a bit of a disagreement with Bonnie." I sigh. I see Toby and Bonnie walk out and towards the exit.
"Wonder where they're going?" I sigh, looking at the exit.
Suddenly sirens go off for the station and I hear yelling for everyone to pack up and get guns. Another attack. I see Freddy's drones running towers Illoha and I. I grab Illoha and do something I probably shouldn't have revealed just yet. I teleport to Acron. I can only do it once however. I need to have a lot of energy to do it multiple times, unfortunately, 2 hours of sleep a day doesn't cut it.
"Oh good your here. We need to get to the teleporter. Bonnie will bring us in." Acron says.
We run to the teleporter and as I was about to put Illoha and Acron through Illoha says, "We forgot Beema." Illoha looks sick. No idea if it's from teleporting or forgetting Beema. Probably both. She looks terrified.
"I promise I'll try my hardest to get her." I say looking at Illoha. She steps off the teleporter and Foxy runs up.
"I'll wait for Beema." She says. I send him through with Acron in place of Illoha. I look around quickly but I can't see her.
"Go through." I say.
"What?!?" Illoha says panicked.
"I'll go in and get her. I promise to try my hardest, Princess." I say determined.
"Are you sure?" She asks, "Your risking for life for someone you've known for 3 days?"
"Yeah. I am." I laugh.
Illoha hugs me quickly, "Thank you."
I watch her go through the teleporter. As soon as I saw her go through safely I ran into the firefight.
Am I really doing this?
Why are you doing this?

I dodge all the bullets that come my way. Finally, I get my gun out and start firing. I see Beema stuck behind a crate. She's out of ammo. I rush over and begin fighting the drones that were attacking her.
It's a massacre.
Why am I doing this!
"Are you okay?" I ask her.
She nods shakily. I run and grab Beema. We make our way to the teleporter, but before we can get there grenades are fired. This is a murder attempt. They aren't taking prisoners. Suddenly a drone switches from a blue screen on their head to a red one. It comes at me. Not anyone else.
It targets me with everything. I fire at it but it's not doing much. It comes straight up to me and points it's blaster at me. I pinned up against a wall. The drone has a grip on my wrist.
Is this really how I die?
I close my eyes.
I'm out of ammo.
"I'm the captian. Understood?"
"Understood... "Captain"."
Is that really the last thing we'd say to eachother? Am I really going to die mad at him? Suddenly a blast hits the drone infront of me. He smiles. It one the one man of Acron's kind. I believe his name was Locke. He was shot.
"Take care of Illoha. Get her out of here. Go to Keekos they'll help you." He says.
"The Princess?" I ask before I see a grenade incoming.
"Watch!" I yell out.
It hits his area and explodes. I see everyone dying around me. Tears sting in my eyes. I get thrown back.
Is this worth it?
Is it worth my life?
This fight isn't over. Beema and I were separated by the explosion. I see her on the ground.
"She's been shot hasn't she?" I think to myself. I run over and grab her. She's unconscious. Well crap. This makes it more difficult.
"Beema, get up." I shake her.
No response.
"Beema!" I hiss.
She's out cold.
Is she dead? No. I can't check. She isn't dead!
I see a signal tuner. I put it in Acron's channel.
"Acron???" I cry into the radio.
"F—Ox?" The disoriented radio says.
"Get the teleporter ready! I'm coming through with Beema!" I say exasperated. The sound of gunshot fills the background. There's a wall of drones in front of the teleporter.
"We can do this Beema." I sigh, I heave her body over my shoulder and dodge the attack.
A drone fires at my signal tuner destroying it and burning my hand.
"Is this what this universe is like?" I shudder, I'm afraid. One of the drones laughs from behind me.
"Yes. Yes it is." It says. It has Freddy's voice. "It's quite enjoyable watching a clone of my Foxete get destroyed." He shoves me to the ground. I drop Beema and desperately try and grab her.
"No!" I yell.
He points his gun at her, but before he can shoot her, I kick him making him only hit her leg. I stand up and pounce on the drone, breaking it. I pick Beema up and look around. We're the last ones. A beam falls and crushed half the drones so I take it as an opportunity to run to the teleporter. As I was setting Beema down I see the explosion go off. Fire swarms towards me. I can feel the heat settling in as I see a flash of light.

Please make it.

(1135 Words)

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