Arguing Again

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Warning: This chapter briefly mentions suicide. If you are not comfortable with that, please skip this chapter.

Bonnie's POV:

    I wake up on my mini couch like I do everyday. Acron is passed out on a chair next to me. I walk out of the cockpit and into the rec room where I see Keeva and Illoha sitting quietly. Foxete is trying to comfort the Princess.
"Uh, what's going on?" I ask.
"Can I talk to you outside?" Fox says grabbing my arm and pulling me outside.
"Uh ok?" I say as we leave and she closes the door.
"Keekos is gone. No word from Illoha's dad." She sighs.
"What do you mean it's gone?" I say hesitantly.
"Blown up, Bonnie. Freddy took what he wanted and left." She sighs.
"Oh." I say.
We stay silent until we hear Keeva and Illoha fighting.

Foxete' a POV:

Here we ago again.
Bonnie and I walk into the rec room again to see what's going on.
"Your father would've wanted you to-" Keeva starts.
"You don't know anything about my father!" Illoha snaps.
"I knew him enough!" Keeva yells at her.
"Hey what's going on?" Bonnie asks stepping forward.
"Stay out of it!" The two girls yell.
"No, I think you should tell us." I say calmly putting my hands up in defense.
"Fine. Keeva here thinks my father wants me to just sit around a look pretty while the universe thinks I'm dead!" Illoha scoffs, "Basically you guys can't leave!"
"Keeva is correct." Arthur interrupts, "As long as Illoha is on this crew you will be nowhere near Freddy.
We all go silent.
"So that's it?" Illoha laughs, "I just can't be here and we can save the galaxy. Perfect." She says angrily.
"What are you implying?" Bonnie asks his voice as serious as I've ever heard it.
"Oh nothing." Illoha says as she walks out of the room.
"Illoha." Bonnie calls down the hall as she goes towards her room.
Finally it clicks.
If Illoha isn't here we can leave.
If she's dead we can leave.
I teleport downstairs and see Bonnie pounding on her door which is locked.
"Illoha open this door up." Bonnie demands.
"No." She says bluntly.
"Illoha can you please open the door." I ask her.
My heart pounds.
She better not even think about it.
"No! I'm not!" She yells.
"Then give me the sword." Bonnie sighs.
"No way." Illoha scoffs.
"If you won't open the door I'm coming in there by force." I warn her. My voice gets softer as I get closer to the door, "Please?"
She opens the door.
"What?" She asks.
I sigh with relief. She's ok.
"Could I have the sword Illoha?" I ask her.
"Why?" She asks me staring coldly into my eyes. Her eyes were sad.
"Because we're worried about you." I state.
I slowly wrap my hand around her wrist and grab the sword from her and she gives it up letting me take it. I attach it to my belt and Bonnie walks off satisfied.
"You scared me for a minute." I sigh.
"I wasn't going to do anything." She pouts.
"I couldn't take the risk, Princess." I smile bitterly. I've already dealt with it once. I let go of her wrist and hug her tightly. She hugs me back. We just stand there in the doorway.
When I finally let go she grabs my hand and sighs,"Don't go."
"I won't go anywhere." I smile.
She closes the door and I smile.
I'm here for you.

(595 Words)

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