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Foxete's POV:

    I do my rounds, checking up on everyone aboard my ship. I need to clear my head from the conversation with Foxy about 20 minutes ago. I decide go upstairs. When I get up the stairs, I look around, expecting to see Jake, but I was greeted by a red-haired, yellow eyed, android instead. After a minute of staring at her it finally clicked.
It's Kat.
"Kat?" I ask, confused.
"Uh, hey?" She laughs, nervously.
"It's Foxete." I give her a small smile.
"Like the animatronic?" She asks, looking around.
"Sure." I sigh.
"I thought you died." Her eyes went wider.
"Your Foxete died, I'm still alive." I explain.
"Like with the portal? Different dimensions?" She asks.
"Exactly, same thing with Bonnie." I nod.
I walk over to her to see her closer. Her "skin" is metal, but her hair seems to be almost real. She looks identical to her human form. Same height, same face, same body type. It's creepy.
Too similar.
"You find my appearance disturbing, don't you?" She asks.
"Unsettling, you look human." I admit sadly.
My old friend, who once was warm and friendly, is now cold and metallic.
"This is what Freddy did to me after he went insane." She frowns, "He did the same to Davis and Jon, but I don't think Jon lasted very long."
Oh god how do we tell her about Davis?
"Yeah, I wouldn't think Jon would last, he was always rebellious. He wouldn't let Freddy control him." I nod.
"You fought against him too." She admits, "Unfortunately, you died in the process."
Kat's voice was more metallic and fake, it was too proper, forced.
"I'm sorry about Acron." She apologizes, "He meant a lot to you, I watched on the cameras."
"Oh, yeah." I cough, "It's not your fault."
"I can't help but feel like it is, I'm the one who distracted him." She shakes her head.
"Freddy forced you too, right?" I ask.
"My protocol did." She explains, "After Davis was taken, Freddy installed a protocol to take away my freedom. My eyes turn green when I'm fully in protocol."
"What about yellow? Your eyes used to be red." I state.
"Yes, when they're red, I'm fully out of the protocol, but when their yellow, I'm in between." She smiles, sadly.
"I could try to break the protocol?" I suggest.
"You think you could do that?" She asks.
"No harm in trying." I smile.
She nods, "That would be lovely."
"Great." I look around, "Have you seen Lexi and Jake yet?"
"Lexi? Like, the security guard from the pizzeria?" Kat gasps.
"Fire Hazard Fizzy is here with Jake from State Farm." I laugh.
"Where?!" She grins.
"Probably downstairs? Just be quiet by the barracks, we have wounded people down there." I chuckle, "I think a family reunion is in order?"
"Definitely." Kat smiles.

(500 Words)

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