A.I on Board

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Foxete's POV

"Who are you?!?" I hear Acron yell as I leave Illoha's room. We had been hanging out more often in the past few days, because I want to try and distract her from her dad as much as possible.
"Who are you yelling at." I way walking over to him.
"Hello. I am... your AI." A voice says. It sounded suspiciously like Kreko.
"Kreko?!?" I say as my head spins to the ceiling.
"No, not Kreko." The AI says. They have an extremely monotone voice.
"Well what's your name?" Acron asks.
"I have no name." The AI says as Bonnie comes out of the cockpit.
"Do you want a name?" Acron says not noticing Bonnie.
"What is going on-?" Bonnie says confused.
"Oh! This is... our AI!" Acron says to Bonnie.
"Choose any name, man!" GlubGlub says from the corner. I didn't even notice him.
"Hmmm..." The AI thinks, "How about, Arthur?" They say.
"Arther it is then." Acron says, "Bonnie meet Arther, our AI."
"AI?" Bonnie asks.
So, Kreko decided to give us an AI? Did he think he'd help us? Maybe it has another purpose. I don't trust 'Arthur' and with his formal British accent and perfect  grammar.
"Are AI's normal to have on ship?" I ask Acron.
"Uh, no. They're actually illegal." Acron laughs.
"So, why did Kreko give us one?" Bonnie asks.
"I dunno." Acron sighs, "Let's not overthink it."
I watch Illoha and Keeva go into the rec room.

What are they up to?

Illoha's POV:

I pace around the room.
"Any news?" I ask the A.I that we just found our estimated.
"No." The A.I says bluntly, "I will tell you when there is some."
I sigh and sit down on the couch.
Foxete comes in. She's wearing a sweater that's way too big for her, it looks like it's mine, and normal black shorts. She looks like she just woke up.
"Hey!" I say with a false cheeriness in my voice.
She comes and sits down next to me with a granola bar, "Hey." She yawns.
She lies down across my lap, "Why am I so tired!"
I laugh, "Maybe it's something to do with your horrible sleep schedule?" I laugh as I quietly grab a hairbrush off the table and grab her from behind, "Your hair is being brushed, now."
She groans as I force her to sit still as I brush her hair.
20 minutes comes and goes and her hair is finally brushed.
"See! Your hair is soft now!" I laugh as she puts her fingers through it.
She smiles with a very mischievous look.
"What are you doing?" I say concerned.
Next thing I know Fox is brushing my hair out and putting it into a pony tail.
I mistakenly read her mind; "Her hair looks pretty in a ponytail."
"See now your hair is out of your face!" She laughs.

Foxete's POV:

    I mean it was only fair since she got to do my hair that I did hers right? Am I crushing on this girl? No. Stop it. Her crush just died and it was most likely your fault.
"Any news?" Keeva says walking in.
"Actually yes." Arthur says.
"Yes?" Illoha says concerned.
"I'm sorry, Keekos is gone." Arthur says.

(550 Words)

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