Old Friends, New Friends

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Bonnie's POV:

    It's been 3 days since Dex and Lexi attempted to kill Foxy. Illoha watched over the repairs of the basement. I suddenly see Otso who seems to be looking for someone, probably Foxete.
"You need something, Otso?" I ask, my voice was dull.
"I was looking for Foxete, but I needed to talk to you too." He responds, rushing over.
"Sure, what do you need?" I ask.
"Freddy killed that Micheal Afton guy." Otso drops his voice to a whisper, "I think he needs your support."
Freddy.... killed someone?
"Foxete is in the workshop. I'll talk to you later." I say bluntly.
"Alright, man." Otso frowns, "Remember, Freddy needs your support."
He teleports off and I, left to my own thoughts. This has to be how it started. This is how Freddy snapped. I wasn't there to stop him. I need to stop him. I turn around and walk into the armory. Keeva is in there. Come up with a lie.
"Hey, I'm gonna go look around the planet for a minute. Just gonna take a gun, okay?" I lie.
"Sounds good Bonnie!" She smiles.
I take a gun off the shelf and walk to the teleporter. I type in the coordinates to the pizzeria.
What am I doing?

Foxete's POV:

Freddy killed Micheal?
"He had it coming if I'm honest." Otso sighs.
"How so?" I fidget with the small device in my hand.
"He flirted with... human Kat and would constantly harm the other animatronics." Otso frowns, sitting in the seat next to me, "Bonnie seemed really upset."
I put down the machine.
"You told Bonnie?" I stare at him blankly.
"Well, yeah?" He raises his eyebrows, "Is that bad?"
"Yes. He just nearly killed Dex over Foxy getting injured." I scoff, "How do you think he'll react about his best friend killing someone? You forget who the tyrant is in this dimension."
"He wouldn't kill Freddy." Otso stands up, "Right?"
"I wouldn't put it past him. Let's hope I get to Freddy before he does." I grab my gun and dagger from the table, "Talk to you later, Otso."
I see a flash of light indicating that I teleported away. I look around, I'm at the pizzeria.
Where's Bonnie?
I'm in the main stage area. Nobody is on stage.
"Freddy isn't here." Afton sighs as he walks in, "Your Bonnie is though."
"Where's Bonnie?" I ask.
"No clue." The old rabbit chuckles.
He definitely knows.
"Listen here you old man, Freddy is the only thing keeping you from scrap. If Bonnie kills him, you'll be dead within a day." I snap, "Where's Bonnie!"
"Kat's office." He growls.
"Good to know you still have sense, Afton." I turn and walk down the hall to Kat's office.
God I hate him.
As soon as I turn the corner I'm greeted by Bonnie. I stare at the gun attached to the belt Foxy gave him.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Checking up on some friends." He says bluntly, "You should go, they aren't in the mood to talk."
"You first." I smile bitterly.
"Nah, I wanna have a chat with Freddy." He looks towards the portal.
"I'll wait with you. I have patience." I stand to the side.
"Wait by the portal, I'm going to chat with Kat." I continue to walk towards Kat's office. Bonnie doesn't take his eyes off of me.
"Hey Kat." I approach gently.
Who knows what state she'll be in? I care about Freddy, but he did kill someone.
"Hey." She quickly smiles.
"You okay?" I ask, sitting in a nearby chair.
"Yeah, all is good here." She says, her voice wavers.
"I doubt that." I frown, "You don't have to say you're okay Kat. I know what happened."
"Freddy wants everything to be normal." Kat sighs.
"To hell with what he wants." I scoff, "He's not human."
I can tell she hasn't slept well.
"Take the day off Kat." I frown, "Things are going to get ugly if Bonnie and Freddy have their little chat. I don't want you to be apart of it."
She nods and collects her things, "You'll be okay, right?"
"I always end up fine." I smile.
She gives me a quick hug and opens the exit out the back.
"See ya later." She smiles.
"Tell Davis I say hi." I joke.
She grins and closes the door behind her. The happiness of seeing her human is short lived. My smile is wiped from my face the moment I hear Freddy.
This is the beginning of the end of friendship. I can feel it.

Bonnie's POV:

"Oh, hey Bonnie." Freddy says suspiciously as he closes the doors to the portal behind him, "What's up?"
"Came to check on you." I say bluntly. I don't see him in HD like I see everyone else.
He isn't important
"Oh, well I'm doing fantastic. I found a world with a bunch of new friends and it's going very good for me." Freddy chuckles.
Foxete appears down the hallway and she slowly approaches us.
"Uh, happy late birthday Fox." Freddy smiles, she smiles back.
"Thanks Fred."
"You seem off Bon, you okay?" He asks me.
"I... know what happened between you and Micheal." I state.
"Ah, so that's why you're here." He chuckles, "To make sure I'm not a killer."
"I'm here to make sure you're okay. Like a friend does." I scoff.
"What are you here for?" Freddy asks Foxete.
"To make sure everyone is alright." She looks back towards Kat's office, "I sent Kat home early, she needed sleep."
"Good, she's been here a lot. I was getting worried." Freddy sighs, "And Fritz, I'm doing fine. Honestly I'm great."
He begins walking towards the stage, Foxete follows him.
"Don't lie." I stare at him, "Jermey you killed someone, don't say your fine."
"I'm not lying." He growls.
"You can't be fine after killing someone!" I laugh.
"Bonnie." Fox's voice warns, "Don't."
"Quiet." I snap.
She looks taken aback but doesn't say another word.
"You know what? I'm not fine! I gave Michael a heart attack because I cut his arm off. Wanna know why I did that? He nearly killed Carson. He hurt Jab and Foxy. He hurt me! He terrified Kat!" Freddy walks towards Bonnie, "But no, I didn't tell you that because you have your own problems. I'm sorry your friend died, but you didn't see me come to your place after you killed that Carson, right?" He turns to Fox, "I'm not mad at her. Why? She called, she made sure I was alright. When was the last time you checked your voicemail, Bonnie?"
It's true. I hadn't checked my voicemail.
"I don't know why I lied to you. I shouldn't have spared your feelings." He scoffs, turning back to me.
"You weren't saving my feelings, you were saving your own." I state.
Nobody says a word for a full minute.
"Bonnie." Foxete frowns, "Stop. You'll only make this worse. You're both angry. Don't take this out on each other."
"Why'd you follow me here?" I ask.
"To stop you from making a mistake." She stares me directly in the eyes.
"See yourself out, Fritz." Freddy scoffs, "Don't thinks about coming back here to tell me that I'm not doing good enough. I'm really trying! But no. You and Foxete are playing superhero in space."
"Superhero?!" Foxete laughs, "Don't drag me into this shit!"
"Yeah. Not like you're actually saving lives." Freddy turns away, "You kill more than you save. Otso tells me that."
"At least we try to help people." She scoffs.
"Leave. I don't want to see either of you here." He states.
"Jeremy, I have friends other than just you here." Fox attempts to keep herself together.
"I doubt they'll miss you much." He frowns.
She's breaking down. Even Fox has her limits.
I turn around to leave, "If you need me, I'll be there for you."
"I don't need you." Freddy scoffs, "You never grow up."
"I grew up." I turn to look at him one last time, "You just weren't there to see it."
I hop through the portal and leave.
At least I know that I'm not a factor anymore.

Foxete's POV:

"You're really going to ban me from coming here?" I ask.
My heart is going to explode. It just hurts.
I can't deal with this. I lost Acron, I can't loose Freddy too.
"No, I just don't want to talk to you for awhile." He sighs, "You'll probably be busy attempting to save a planet or something."
"I thought you said we weren't saving anyone?" I ask.
"That's why I said attempting." He frowns and walks out of the pizzeria, "Goodbye Foxete."
I sigh and turn around, "See you later Jermey."

(1465 Words)

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