Bonnie the Red Nosed Bunny

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Foxete's POV:

I walk into the workshop after checking that we were far away from that lava planet. Suddenly, I hear laughing, specifically, Keori and Acron.
"Oh this is fabulous." Acron cracks up.
I see Keori holding a tube of toothpaste and decide to scare her. I quickly teleport behind her.
"Boo!" I whisper.
"Eek!" She shrieks.
I laugh and she pouts.
"Whatcha doing?" I ask.
"Bonnie the red nosed Bunny." Otso smiles.
I turn around to see my pink haired friend, "Oh! Otso! Long time no see." I smile, "Bonnie the red nosed Bunny?" I ask.
"We put red LED lights in his nose so that whenever Vonnie, thats the evil Bonnie by the way, connects through his eyes, yes he can do that, we will know." Acron says proudly.
"I love you guys." I laugh, "But Bonnie sure won't after your done with him."
"Now we're giving him a toothpaste mustache." Keori grins.
"Oh that's amazing." I smile, "He's gonna kill you."
"Oh absolutely." Otso laughs.
Keori makes a mustache that is Markiplier worthy. Within the 3 minutes that Bonnie had fully woken up, Keeva and Kip walk in.
"Bonnie you have something on your face." Kip signs to him.
"Kip shush!" Keeva and I laugh.
"He can't understand you anyways Kip, so it's pointless." I smile.
Kip then begins pointing at Bonnie's face.
"Kip!" Keeva laughs grabbing his hands, "No!"
"Is there something on my face?!" Bonnie asks.
Kip silently laughs. His hands, his only way of communicating with Bonnie, were being held hostage by Keeva.
"Mirror time." Bonnie gets up and walks to the bathroom.
Illoha, who is brushing her teeth in there chokes on the toothpaste when she sees Bonnie. She rinses her mouth and laughs hysterically.
"That's one way to start my morning." She giggles.
Bonnie moves past her and looks into the mirror. A beautiful blue toothpaste mustache shines back at him.
"Who did this." Bonnie tries to contain his own laughter.
"Kip did it!" Acron runs out of the bathroom.
"It was Illoha! She's holding the toothpaste!" Kip signs before hiding behind Keeva for protection.
"Well, it's too bad Bonnie doesn't understand sign language, isn't it." I laugh, "It was totally Kip."
Kip rolls his eyes in frustration.
I bet it's pretty annoying when people can't understand you.
"It's alright Kip. I'm just messing with you." I sign back.
He shakes his head and signs, "He's a complete idiot."
"I couldn't agree more." I sign in response, laughing.
"I'm going to learn sign language in secret so I just randomly know what you're saying." Bonnie smiles mischievously, "I will know all your secrets Kip!" He jokes.
"Oh no!" Kip signs, then pretending to overdramatize his gasp.
We all laugh. I like our crew, our new family.
This is everything I've ever wanted.
"Me too." Illoha whispers to me.

(480 Words)

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