Making Ammends

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Bonnie's POV:

I didn't mean what I said to Foxete. How do I tell her I'm sorry? Suddenly Otso appears.
"Hey man." He says gently.
"Oh, hi Otso." I sigh.
"You know what I think you should do next?" He asks.
"What?" I sit down on the bench by the window.
"Apologize." He smiles.
"To Fox?" I ask.
"To everyone." Otso chuckles, "Acron, Foxete, Illoha, Keeva, Keori, Foxy, Toby, Icey, Arie, Ophelia, Kip, and Nova."
"All of them?" I ask.
"Yeah, like a big announcement." He reassured me, "They'll be grateful. It's been stressful for everyone. You don't want to have a crew that hates you."
"Alright." I agree.
"Good. Tell me how it goes." Otso disappears.
I'll start with Illoha.

Foxete's POV:

I'm in Freddy's pizzeria.
"Freddy?" I call out.
"Hello?" I hear a deep voice ask.
I quickly turn into my human form in order to not cause suspicion.
"Who are you."

Bonnie's POV:

"Illoha?" I ask, knocking on the med-bay door.
"Yes?" She opens the door.
"I wanted to apologize." I sigh, "I've been a jerk recently. You didn't deserve it. I'm apologizing to everyone because I acted wrongly and was overall an awful captain."
"I forgive you Bonnie." She smiles, "That Puppet voice was whispering to all of us, making us all mad at each other. I'm sorry as well."
"Thank you." I smile.
"Fox isn't here right now, so you should go to Icey or Arie." Illoha tells me.
"Alright. Talk to you later." I grin as I walk away.
That did make me feel better.
Now for everyone else.

Foxete's POV:

"Who are you?" A older man in a very businessy business suit asks.
"I'm Rebbeca. Kat's friend." I respond.
Freddy isn't on stage.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Micheal Afton." He snaps.
No way that's my cousin.
"Micheal Afton?" I ask.
"Yes. Are you stupid?!" He laughs coldly.
"Leave her alone, Micheal." Freddy growls.
"Yeah, whatever Fazbear." He sneers.
"What... happened..." I ask, "Freddy, how did this happen?"
"What happen?" He sighs.
"This place! It used to be happy and cheerful." I exclaim.
"Yeah. Bonnie left. There's nothing to do. No problem that he started to fix." Freddy explains.
"I'm sorry I haven't visited. I won't make excuses for Bonnie, but I have been dealing with a certain deadly situation." I sigh.
"I don't blame you at all!" He says shocked, "You still called and messaged me! Otso explained why the messages stopped going through, so you're completely fine."
"Really?" I grin.
"Absolutely. You're my friend still. Friends get busy. I get it." He smiles.
"What about Bonnie?" I ask.
"Has Bonnie been getting my calls and messages? It says they're going through." Freddy sighs.
"I don't know." I admit, "I haven't had a pleasant conversation with Bonnie in a few days."
"Your ship blew up." Freddy says, "Is everyone okay?"
"We only lost our AI." I sigh, "Another variation of Davis."
"Like, Kat's boyfriend?" He asks.
"Yep." I laugh sadly.
"We have a cool big ship now." I smile.
"That's good." His smile returns.
"Yeah it's really big!" I laugh, "Like, I got lost multiple times."
We stand in awkward silence for a few seconds.
He looks at the calendar near us, "Hey, isn't your birthday soon?"
"Oh, yeah. Sometime next week I think." I look at the calendar.
"Come home here for your birthday. We'll throw you a party." Freddy smiles.
"I would love that." I grin.
"Bring Bonnie too!" He laughs, "We all need the fun."
"I agree." I laugh with him.
"Foxete? We need you home. Now!" Foxy says through the signal tuner.
"That sounds important." Freddy sighs.
"What is it Foxy?" I ask him.
"Another S.O.S." He sighs.
"Could someone else handle it?" I ask.
"No, Fox it's really fine." Freddy sighs.
"Is that your Freddy?" Foxy asks timidly.
"Yeah, he's here." I say.
"Oh, hello there." Foxy tries to sound welcoming.
"Hey Foxy." Freddy says cheerfully.
"Foxy. Did you get ahold of Foxete?" Bonnie asks.
"Bonnie?" Freddy asks, elated.
"Freddy?" Bonnie laughs.
"Hey man! What's up!" Freddy laughs.
"I'll call you later, pal. Right now we have dying people to help, okay?" Bonnie sighs.
"Yeah! Of course man." Freddy's smile fades a bit, "I won't keep Fox here. Go save some randos!"
"See ya soon." Foxy hangs up.
"I'll see you later Freddy." I smile.
As I turn to leave a little voice speaks to me, hug him. 'You'll regret it if you don't'.
I turn to Freddy and hug him.
"What's this for?" He laughs.
"I'll see you soon." I smile.
"Promise?" He asks.

(775 words)

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