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Foxete's POV:

We walked around the mine area looking for minerals. I could feel myself slowly becoming dumber and I had no idea why.
"Uh, guys? I found a chest." Bonnie says.
I walk over to him. Inside was a tablet. Quite advanced. Bonnie reads it aloud.
    It says, "Hello, my name is Larry I have been down here many days hiding from the stupid plague. It has scorched my people. We used to be highly advanced. Not as advanced as, say, the Evon army, but advanced enough. I am the last of my people with smarts, though I can feel it dwindle even now. I don't know how much time I have left. The cure is mushroom stew which, ironically we relocated them to the slime planet, Abalo, to try and get rid of the evil slimes that Foxy was creating. We have no saving grace. Whoever reads this might already have the plague. Be careful."
"Well that's lovely." I say sarcastically.
"Truly." Acron replies, "I got enough stuff. We should go."
"I'll leave the tablet." Bonnie says putting it back.
"Let's go." I say trying to get out of there as quickly as possible.
We go to the surface and walk towards the village again. When we get there we see Illoha and Keori in skirts on horses by a sacrificial ritual with a sheep in the middle.
"What is going on?" I laugh.
"We are gods now." Keori says cracking up.
"Oh, ok, God Keori, and God Illoha." I say bowing. Acron and Bonnie follow my example and bow.
We all are laughing when Ted comes out.
"Here! I got you skirts!" He says handing Bonnie, Acron, and I purple skirts.
"I'm not wearing this." Acron and I say in unison.
"I am!" Bonnie says putting it on, "I'm beautiful in it." He poses and Keori laughs.
"Please guys??" Illoha asks, "It'll be funny!"
"Find, but only if Acron does it too!" I sigh giving in.
I look at Acron, "No! Absolutely not!" He says trying to hide his laughter.
He looks from Keori, to Illoha, then to Bonnie. They all have pleading eyes.
"Fine." He sighs.
We put out weird skirts over our armor and stand next to the horses.
"Now do the demonic hula!!" Ted says excitedly, "We will sacrifice Larry to our god, Larry!"
"How do we do the demonic hula?" Bonnie asks holding back laughter
"Spin in circles!" He says lighting candles around Larry the sheep.
    So, here we are. In skirts, doing the demonic hula, on a idiotic planet, with a stupid plague that makes you so dumb you worship a god by spinning in circles and chanting Larry.
"Larry the sheep will serve for his crimes of stealing our food!" Ted yells.
"Do I have to as well?" Acron whispers to me.
"I hope not." I whisper back glaring at him.
Acron, Bonnie, and I are now spinning in circles as Ted beats Larry the sheep to death.
"It is done!!" He yells.
"Is it?" I say laughing.
"I have gifts from Larry!" He says approaching Bonnie.
"Oh?" Bonnie asks.
"A cake." He says handing Bonnie a slice of cake. He hands it to Keori.
"Don't eat that." I say.
"A emerald!" Ted says handing him a emerald as big as Bonnie's palm, so about 8-9 inches.
"Oh!" Bonnie says, "Thank you!" He hands it to Acron.
"A sheep plush!" He says handing it to Bonnie.
"Oh?" He says taking it and handing it to Acron, "We'll give this to Toby."
"And the Demonic Staff of Killing!" Ted says handing me a giant red and purple scythe.
"WHAT THE HELL-" I yell dropping it.
"We gotta go! And we gotta leave!" Acron says laughing, "Thank you sir!" He grabs Illoha and Keori's horse's leads and walks away. Bonnie and I follow. We got out of there so fast.
"Why." Is all Acron says when we get back there.
"I feel stupider." I laugh.
"Heh, huh, hah" Acron says imitating the voices the villagers made.
"Don't do that-" Bonnie sighs, "Please don't do that-"
We all laugh. That was the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

(700 Words)

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