Waiting is the Worst

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Foxete's POV:

    Unannounced to me, Dex and Bonnie went down to Amona while I was sleeping. Didn't even come to say goodbye, how rude. They changed the plan. Jake didn't go down with them. How are the prisoners going to get off the planet without Jake to fix the ships? I sit in my bedroom. Everyone is busy with something. Keori is sick, so Illoha and Foxy are taking care of her, Keeva and Kip are on a date, Jake and Lexi are in the makeshift-shooting range in the basement, Tim is trying to teach himself cards, Damien and Toby are playing with their plushies, and I am left to do whatever I want. Which is incredibly boring. I have nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to talk to. For the first time in years, I really have nothing to do except wait. I jump down from my bed. What I I tried to increase my teleportation abilities? Like how many times I could jump in a day. My current record is 4 times per day, but what if it could be 10? My thoughts are interrupted by Damien tugging on my sleeve.
I crouch down next to him, "You need something buddy?"
He nods and hands me a drawing. It's of Foxy and I as superheros.
This is the cutest thing ever.
"I love it Damien!" I smile.
He happily skips away.
I teleport into my room and hang the drawing on the wall. I have my wall filled with drawings from Damien and GlubGlub.
I lie back in my bed.
"What do I do?" I think out loud.
Absolutely not.
I grab a book off of my table and begin reading.
Waiting is the worst.

Bonnie's POV:

I look at Dex's beat up body in front of me.
I'm so sorry Dex.
    I had been forced to beat Dex up in order to not give myself away. I located the prisoners and am prepared to execute the escape. I told Illoha our status and that she should prepare Foxete for a firefight. I might need her down here in a bit in order to evacuate all the prisoners. She is one of the best fighters on our ship, so it would only make sense to have her down here. I leave the room and immediately go to the charging room.
Time to get all the bots. There must be over 200 bots here. I need to kill them all slowly. Eventually I can get Dex to start taking them apart to make a bomb in order to get everyone out.
I approach 2 bots guarding a door, "Hey you two." I get their attention using my Evil Bonnie voice, "Follow me."

Dex's POV:

    I limp out of the room Bonnie beat the hell out of me in. He continuously apologized while doing it. He really does seem different than the others, it's surprising that he didn't enjoy beating the hell out of me due to what I did to Foxy. I do kinda feel bad about that. I get walked out to the yard.
"I have to work now?" I ask the AI who escorted me through the building.
"Oh of course. You get no breaks." She smiles. I believe her name was Betty Bot.
"Oh of course." I mimic under my breath.
You better be thankful Bonnie.

Illoha's POV:

I walk into my room. Foxete is reading on her bed.
"Hey." She smiles, putting the book down.
"Hey, Bonnie says he'll be back soon. He just had to beat Dex up though." I sigh, climbing up to her bunk and sitting on her bed.
"Ooh lucky, how bad did he beat him up?" She laughs.
I roll my eyes.
She really hates Dex.
"Joking, obviously." She coughs.
"Yeah you're totally joking, Foxete." I snatch the book from her hands.
"Hey!" She goes to grab it back.
"Hm, I've never heard of this book." I look at the cover.
"That's because it doesn't exist here." She smiles, "It's from my dimension. It's a gift from... Freddy." Her smile fades.
She had a fight with Freddy awhile back. She's sad about it still.
"Hey, you guys just fought, maybe just call him? Work things out?" I suggest.
"I think I'll give him more time." She smiles, taking the book back and putting a book mark in it.
"It's been 2 weeks." I frown.
"Yeah, I'll give it another week." She sighs.
"You always spoke fondly of Freddy." I grab her hand, "He clearly was your friend, friends fight."
"Yeah, I guess so." She laughs, "What would I do without you?"
"Fail to run a ship, that's what." I laugh.
She sighs and rests her head on my shoulder.
Love you

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