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Dex's POV:

    That Keeva girl and I get sent down to the planet with Keori and Ophelia. Apparently Keeva is supposed to train us? Ha! I bet I'm 10x better than she is at actual combat.
"I have no idea why Bonnie sent you down with the group that doesn't know how to shoot a gun." Keeva sighs, "Feel free to leave and come back when Foxete and Foxy decide to come to training."
"I'll be training with Foxy?" I ask, highly honored that she thinks my abilities rival his.
"I personally think that's where you belong, that's where I'll be as well." Keeva replies, setting up training dummies, "Either that or you could train with Arie, Nova, Kip, Lexi, Jake, and Illoha?"
"Nah I'm good with the other group, but I'm a bit bored, so could I help train them?" I ask.
"Oh, I guess that's fine." Keeva nods.
"Fabulous. I'll take Keori then." I grab a gun and lead Keori to the shooting range.
Keori is close with Foxy, that much is obvious. I need to get more information on him.
"Ever shoot a gun before Keori?" I ask.
"Yes, once." She sighs, "I wasn't very accurate though."
"Ah, that's fine. That's why we'll train ya'." I reassure her.
Ophelia and Keeva join us as I finish teaching Keori how to load a gun.
"Alright, now aim at the target." I instruct, helping her aim the gun.
She aims the gun perfectly.
"Alright, fire." I command.
She misses the target and hits one of the rams.
"How?" I laugh, "This is the easiest shot ever!"
We're only around 5 feet away from the target. Just then, Foxy teleports down. He looks at Keori's embarrassed face, then to me.
"Why is Dex teaching Keori?" He asks, "I thought you were in charge Keeva?"
"Foxy, come here." I ask, walking over to the target, "Keori, you care about Foxy, right?"
Foxy walks over and Keori nods.
"Great, Foxy could you stand behind the target?" I ask.
Foxy sighs, but does so.
"If you miss, you hit Foxy. Alright?" I snap, "Hit the target."
Keori looses it.
"I'm gonna miss!" She panics, "What if I hit Foxy?"
"I'm sure Foxy could survive a gun shot." I scoff.
"I don't want to risk it!" She l0oks like she's about to cry.
"Shoot." I demand.
"Dex, you should back off." Keeva walks over.
"No, she needs to learn!" I snap.
"Shoot the gun Keori." I command.
She fires and hits it perfectly in the bullseye.
"Ah, so your not incompetent." I smile, "That's all I needed."
Keori is sobbing hysterically. Foxy rushes to her side.
"Hey I'm okay!" He comforts her, "You did great Keori."
Foxy glares at me with hateful eyes. I smile coldly.
Did I hit a nerve?

Foxy's POV:

I stare the obnoxious Yizel in front of me. Everyone's back is turned, he just smirks, he knows what he did, he doesn't care.
"Keori, you should go upstairs. I'll train you myself later." I sigh as a I lightly ease out of her grip. Her crying has subsided, but she's still terrified.
"Yeah, okay." She sniffs, walking towards the teleporter.
"Dex, there's no need for you to be down here." I state, not taking my eyes off him, "You should go back to the ship, I'll follow you."
"Alright." He smiles coldly.
I walk behind him to the teleporter. I don't trust him enough to be in front of him. He steps onto the teleporter and smirks before leaving.
"Good to know you have emotions, Foxy." He sneers.
A flash of white light surrounds him and he's gone.
I need to watch my back.

(615 Words)

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