Though Other Eyes

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Illoha's POV:

    I was sitting eating my lunch in the kitchen, when suddenly I hear Bonnie start screaming. I quickly get up and rush to the workshop.
Bonnie's eyes are glowing white.

Bonnie's POV:

I'm seeing through this eyes again.
"Kat!" A much meaner version of myself yells.
"Yes, sir?" A robotic version of my friend back home asks.
"Did you track their ship?" He turns to face her.
"Yes, sir." She smiles.
She always smiles. She's programmed that way.
"Good. I'll be sending Funtime Foxy to their location." He laughs his crooked and mean laugh.
"Of course, sir." Kat looks closer into Bonnie's eyes.
Does she see me? She turns around, I can't see her face anymore.
"Funtime will reach the rebel ship in a day, sir." Kat states. Her voice glitches.
"Turn around, Kat." He demands.
As Kat turns I can see that her normally green eyes are now yellow.
"Oh, you're breaking protocol are you?" He laughs.
"N-No, sir." She stutters.
"Go to inspection, now!" He yells.
"Y-Yes, sir!" Her eyes turn green again.
She knew I was here. That was a warning.

Foxete's POV:

"Bonnie?" I ask.
"He's overheating!" Keori shrieks.
"Bonnie! Wake up!" I yell.
He wakes up with a yelp.
He looks around the room.
"F-Funtime...." He stutters.
"Bonnie?" Foxy asks.
"Foxy..." Bonnie says in shock.
"That's my name?" Foxy asks confused.
"Funtime Foxy?" I ask.
Bonnie gasps, "Funtime Foxy is coming! He has our coordinates! He's less a than a day away!"
"What?!?" Foxy yells.
Keori begins panicking, as does Illoha.
"Everyone! Calm down!" I yell.
"Funtime Foxy is coming here!" Foxy paces around the room.
"We can beat him." I say confidently.
"No, we can't." Foxy sighs, "I trained him. He hates me."
"Yikes." Illoha inhales deeply.
"So we're screwed?" Bonnie asks.
Not if I can help it.

Foxete's POV:

Keeva is stationed with Kip at the big cannon in the basement that I had no idea about until today. Foxy and I are in the weapons room with laser pistols that Acron and Keori designed. We are testing them incase we're boarded. Acron and Ophelia are piloting the ship. Yes Ophelia is a traitor, but she's the only one, other than Foxy, that can navigate this thing. Nova and Icey are helping Illoha get the escape pods prepared just incase. Keori is fixing Bonnie's cooling systems. We set up targets in the weapons room so we could train, Foxy and I were getting ready. I changed into my armor, which was busted to all hell, but there isn't anything I can do about that.
"Fox?" Foxy asks, walking into the room. Apparently he left at some point.
"Yeah?" I appear by the door.
"I got you a present." He grins.
He hands me a grayish box.
"What's this?" I ask.
"Open it and find out." He smiles wider, "It's from Keori and myself."
I open the box and find 2 daggers and gloves.
"You got me more daggers?" I smile, examining the new tools.
"When we were fighting the bots, I realized that you were really good with daggers. I thought, what if you didn't have to retrieve it after throwing it?" He smiles.
I put on the gloves.  They are leather and protective. When I pick one of the daggers up it sticks to the glove.
"Throw it at the target." Foxy says excitedly.
I throw the dagger straight into the bullseye.
"Now, hold you hand out in front of you." He steps to the side.
As I put my hand in front of me, the dagger comes wizzing to my hand.
"Woah!" I say in awe.
"Do you like them?" Foxy asks.
"I love them! Thank you!" I smile.
"I feel like this will make your life a bit easier." He laughs.
"Oh 100%." I examine the beautiful design. Extremely aerodynamic.
I'm about to say something when I am rudely interrupted by the intercom.
"Hello rebels! I am Funtime Foxy! Prepare to meet your-" He gets cut off by Foxy pressing a button and motioning for me to speak.
I begin to make my little announcement, "Hello Funtime Foxy! I am Foxete! I suggest you run while you still have a ship."
I disconnect from the communication interface and smile at Foxy.
"Ready?" I ask him.
"Always." He laughs.
    I teleport us both to the teleporter. I've been getting better at how far I can travel. I can teleport with up to 4 people 2 times before I run out of energy. That's a big improvement from only being able to teleport 2 people once. We wait for Funtime Foxy to attack, to board our ship. We can hear the big guns start up.
He doesn't attack for 20 minutes.
"What's up with him?" I ask Foxy.
"He's waiting for us to lower our guard." Foxy stands stern.
"Well, that won't be happening." I laugh bitterly.
Finally, after 25 minutes he attacks. The alarm on the ship begin to go off. Red flashing lights. I can hear GlubGlub crying.
Shoot. Nobody told him.
"Illoha? Can you calm Toby down?" I say into my signal tuner.
"Yeah. On it." Illoha sighs through the walkie.
Foxy and I load our guns and prepare to fire. The big guns go off. Suddenly, there is nothing but silence.
"Funtime Foxy. Do you surrender?" I ask through the ship's outside communication. I have an arm sleeve that connects to the ships camera's, intercom, and mainframe.
No response.
I look outside on the ships cameras.
"He... left?" I say in disbelief.
"He retreated?" Foxy asks, confused.
"We won! Foxy we won!" I laugh.
"Great job guys, we won." I smile as I tell the rest of the crew through the intercom.
How in the galaxy did we not just die.

(970 Words)

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