His Past

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Jake's POV:

I look through files in the control room.
"Anything?" Foxete asks, placing down another box of papers.
"Nothing." I sigh, "Nothing about Amona so far."
Fox sits down on the floor next to me, "This is the last box. Out of all the 20 boxes of files for Freddy's planets, factories, and prisons, nothing is available for Amona?"
"Maybe in that last box?" I suggest.
"Maybe." She sighs, opening it up.
She shifts through the box looking for information on the popular prison planet. Finally, she picks up a small folder.
"That's it?!" She scoffs, "You've gotta be kidding me!"
"Hey, information is information." I smile, taking the folder and looking through it.
I begin to read aloud, "Amona Compliance Camp is a recreational camp for those who oppose the mighty Fazbear army."
"Shameless plug, please continue." Fox rolls her eyes.
"There has only been one escape off of this planet, a Yizel solider responsible for decommissioning Commander Foxy, Dex Reynolds." I read, surprised.
"Like, Dex on our ship?" Fox looks towards the stairs.
We both process the information in silence.
Fox gasps, "Foxy!"
She stands up quickly and paces around the room.
"Lexi hates Foxy! You said that Lexi and Dex were giving Foxy glares, right?" She asks.
"Well, yes, but I don't think Lexi would do anything." I reassure her.
That's a lie, Lexi would kill Foxy.
"Dex is persistent. He has no desire to be on our ship until he saw Foxy. He's going to try something!" Fox panics.
"Well, we've caught onto his act. We'll make sure that Dex and Lexi are never together, and that Dex is never around Foxy." I sigh.
"That's all we can do for now." She nods.
"You should go warn Foxy, I'll clean this up." I smile.
"Alright, I'll come back to help in a bit." She returns the smile, but I know she's worried.
I watch Foxete scurry down the stairs. I look back at the paper.
Dex Reynold, age 21, attacked Foxy during the pursuit of the planet Enolva. Pursuit failed, Dex was captured by Chica as Foxy was almost destroyed beyond repair. Dex was imprisoned on the planet Amona where he escaped 3 months later by using toothpaste as a bomb. Since then, toothpaste, beds, toothbrushes, and toilets have been removed. If Dex is to be captured again, he will receive harsh punishment.

Article: February 19, 2026
That was 7 years ago.

(410 Words)

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