New Destination

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Foxy's POV:

    I collect the items needed for the new planet we arrived on, Ovaria. Bonnie and I will teleport down first to make sure everything is safe, then we'll start sending others in. I walk to the teleporter room and wait for Bonnie who is, as always, late.
"5 minutes late." I smirk.
"Really?" He rolls his eyes.
"You should really work on your timing." I laugh, lightheartedly.
Bonnie just shakes his head, "Let me guess, you were here early?" He asks me, but looks at Jake who is sitting by the controls.
"Yep. He was here earlier than planned." Jake smiles.
"Of course." Foxete appears, "Can I come down? Please?"
I look at Bonnie.
"I say sure." I smile.
"Awesome. I'm coming!" She grins, she already had her armor on.
Bonnie opens his mouth to argue, but she rushes onto the portal next to us ready to leave. She's carrying a bag full of mechanics.
"What's that for?" I ask, referring to the bag.
"Well, we need to come back up here, so I'll make a smaller teleporter down there." She explains.
"How long would that take?" Bonnie asks.
"An hour?" She shrugs.
"Ready?" Jake asks preparing to teleport us down.
"Yep!" I nod.
One blinding light later, we're on a new planet.
It's so peaceful here.

Foxete's POV:

I look around the area we're in. Nothing much, just grass, trees, and what seem to be goats or rams.
"This place is nice." I smile.
"Yeah, it is. " Bonnie agrees.
"Foxy, could you see if those creatures are hostile?" I ask, "I'll start setting up this portal."
"What should I do?" Bonnie asks.
"Explore?" I suggest.
"Sounds good to me." Bonnie smiles.
I go to a flat piece of ground and begin unpacking.
This is gonna take a bit.

(300 words)

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