Over The Edge

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Foxete's POV:

"I'm not surprised." Illoha laughs, "They hate Foxy."
"I'm not surprised with Dex, but Lexi? I'm surprised she had the nerve." I sigh.
"Hate goes deep, I know I wanted to kill Bonnie when I saw him." She frowns, "I'm glad I didn't."
"We need to talk to them before Bonnie finds out." I look at Kat, "Thanks for helping us find the footage."
"Oh, your welcome, but Bonnie already knows." She looks down guiltily.
We hear commotion downstairs. I grab Illoha's hand and teleport us downstairs.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"Don't stop me." Bonnie scoffs, walking out of the weapons room with a gun. Keeva and Kip follow close behind.
He always says that when we need to stop him.
"I should stop him." I sigh, Illoha silently nods.
I attempt to weasel the gun out of his hand which results in the jab to the face with the handle of the gun.
"Ow." I grumble.
Bonnie doesn't stop. He marches right up to Dex in the loading bay. Dex looks over and his face immediately drops. Bonnie grabs him by his shirt and shoved him against the wall, pointing his gun to his head.
"Bonnie!" I teleport forward to try and pry him off Dex.
Lexi stands horrified.
"Give me a reason I shouldn't shoot you." He snarls.
"You need me, for Amona." Dex stutters, "I was held captive there, I could help."
"Foxete could do that job 100x better." He laughs, "Pray to those gods of yours Dex. You'll see them soon."
"Bonnie, stop." I grab his right wrist, attempting to get him to let Dex go.
"He took advantage of our mourning. He waited until we were weak!" Bonnie snaps, "What if he killed Foxy?!"
"But he didn't kill me." Foxy grabs Bonnie's hand and removes the gun from his hand, tossing it on the ground.
I let go on Bonnie and grab Lexi's arm hiding her behind Illoha and I. Bonnie let's Dex down.
"Are you alright?" Foxy asks Dex awkwardly.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Dex nods, stepping away from Bonnie, "You?"
"Yes, I'm fine." Foxy smiles bitterly, "Barely a scratch."
We stand in silence. Dex and Foxy eventually leave. Illoha, Lexi and I just stare at Bonnie.
"Bonnie?" I frown.
He refuses to face us.
"Bonnie." I pick the gun up and attach it to my belt.
"I'm sorry." He sighs.
I frown, he turns to me, "I didn't mean to hit your face with the butt of the gun."
"I know you didn't, but you need to calm down. You should go charge." I sigh, turning my back on him. I hear him leave the room.
"Lexi." I turn to my friend.
"I don't know what I was thinking." She chokes up.
"What you did was wrong, but Foxy didn't die, therefore you and Dex are just going to repair the damage you did in the basement." I state, "Princess, please lock up all of your chemicals. Not just the painkillers."
"Sure." She gives a small smile.
Lexi leaves and we stand alone in the loading bay.
"I thought I could trust people." Illoha frowns.
"You can't blindly trust people." I sigh, "Jake and I have been onto Dex for awhile. We just didn't know what he'd do."
She grabs my hand, "We're okay now."
I smile, "Just for now."

(560 Words)

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