Down the Rabbit Hole

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Acron's POV:

I walk with Foxete up to the rec-room. She pauses and just watches Illoha stand at the window.
"Acron to Lovergirl, do you copy?" I joke.
"Oh shut up" She blushes.
Illoha turns to look at us, "Oh hey guys!"
"Hey Princess!" I respond cheerfully. Surprising because I'm gonna go to my certain death in a matter of 20 minutes.
"Doing final checks?" She sighs.
"Yeah." Fox responds. Her voice gets almost nicer when she speaks to Illoha, "Final checks until we send the blue idiots down to the space station."
"Alright then. I'll go help Bonnie." She laughs.
"Good idea he'll need all the help he can get." I joke.
"Oh ha, ha." Bonnie rolls his eyes, entering the room.
"I mean whaaaaaat." I laugh.
Fox rolls her eyes and goes to stand by Illoha.
"Oh I almost forgot." I say, pulling out a piece of tech.
"What's that?" Illoha asks.
"Something Fox and I created." I boast.
"It's supposed to hide Bonnie's true appearance." Fox smiles.
"So a camouflage chip?" Bonnie asks.
"Yes!" I say excitedly.
I hand him the chip and press a button. I hear a click indicating that it processed the request. When I look up, I'm staring at myself!
"It worked!" I smile.
"You didn't know if it would work?!?" Bonnie stares blankly at me.
"We'll not entirely?" I laugh.
"Anyways. Think of the first person who pops into your mind." I instruct.
Bonnie does so and within minutes all I see is a ghost.
"Bonnie..." Fox sighs. She stares at Illoha.
He had turned himself into Kreko.

Bonnie's POV:

I don't know why I turned into Kreko. Illoha walks off and Fox follows trying to get her to stay.
"Why did you do that?" Acron sighs, "Bit insensitive, no?"
"First person I thought of when I looked at Illoha..." I sigh turning back into myself, "...was Kreko."
"Anyone else?" He asks.
"Yeah. But I'll have to be old." I laugh.
"Oh?" Acron asks interested.
Fox comes back up the stairs just as I was turning into the person she hates most, Afton.
"Why him?" She sighs.
"Only person who is dead and won't be remembered." I sigh, "At least not by appearance."
She shakes her head, "Alright, but you guys should go. They're getting inpatient."
"Got it." Acron sighs.
"Let's go, pal." I try to smile.
Down the rabbit hole we go.

(405 Words)

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