Hatching a Plan.

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Acron's POV:

Fox and I work on the broken down Fox while our captain charges.
"What should we do?" Fox sighs.
"About what?" I ask confused on what we're talking about.
"Getting fuel? Taking down Freddy? The stupid A.I. that won't let us do anything?!" She scoffs.
    Not gonna lie that kid is a bit rude, but she's my friend, so it don't really matter. She isn't that rude to me, but more or less to other people. She's gonna get shot somewhere in space if she doesn't watch her tongue.
"Okay, fair. We should get some fuel." I sigh in defeat, "Arthur!" I yell at the ceiling, "How much fuel do we have?"
The A.I. takes a moment to respond, "About 50 gallons of fuel."
"That'll only get us to a space station." Fox mutters.
"It's better than leaving us stranded and have to call out an S.O.S." I laugh.
"You're right." She laughs, shaking her head.
"Setting course for nearest space station." Arthur states.
"We should probably tell the captain." I sigh.
"You just told one." Fox sighs.
"Oh, right." I laugh nervously.
    Fox is technically the second captain of the crew due to the fact that she and Bonnie co-captain the place, but we all refer to her as a second in command with way more authority. To be honest, she'd be a better captain than Bonnie anyway.
"Arthur when will we arrive at the space station?" Fox asks closing up Foxy's back, "He's done Acron. His battery should be fully repaired."
"Oh good!" I laugh, "Now he won't die every time we need him!"
"We will be arriving in..." Arthur calculated, "A day and a half."
"Great." She sighs, "Enough time to form a team and a plan. I'll go get the others."
With that she walked off.

Foxete's POV:

I pace back and forth in the cockpit. Bonnie stands at the head of the table near me. Keeva and Illoha on the right, Foxy and Keori on the left, and Acron and GlubGlub at the rear.
"What should we do then?" Keeva sighs.
"Well we're arriving at the space station tomorrow if we decide to continue flying there." I state turning to face my crew.
"I don't understand why you made a decision without me." Bonnie scoffs.
"We need fuel Bonnie." Acron says bluntly, "You have two options; Steal from civilians or go to this space station."
"I'm not stealing from civilians." Bonnie states.
"Ok, so, space station. Why is this such a big deal?" I ask him.
"I'm your captain. I want you to ask me." Bonnie sighs.
"I'm your co-captain!" I roll my eyes.
"No, you're not anymore. Rather, you never were. You're second in command." Bonnie squashes that conversation.
"How do we go in then Acron?" Bonnie asks, ignoring the previous statement.
"Oh, uhm, we should pick a small team. Fox 'cause she's fast and agile, Keeva 'cause she's a general, and I guess you or me, Bonnie." Acron sighs.
"I think the team should be Keeva, Acron, and Me. Fox shouldn't go." Bonnie states.
"Wait, what? Why?!?" I pout.
"If our engines fail whose gonna save us? Keori? She's Acron's apprentice." Bonnie scoffs.
"A mean, that was a bit harsh, but I get your point." Acron laughs.
We just kinda stand there in silence.
"Illola you've been mighty silent!" Acron says to ease the tension.
"Illola?" She laughs, "Where did you get the third "L"? It's Illoha!"
"My accent!" He groans, "Eh-low-ah" He sounds her name out.
"Ack-rohn" I laugh as I sound out his name.
"Kee-vah" Illoha laughs.
"Glub. Glub." Toby adds.
We all start laughing, we'll except Bonnie. Everyone begins to file out except him.
What's going on in that brain of yours?

(630 Words)

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