The Space Station

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Foxete's POV:

Otso only had enough fuel to get us to the nearest space station. Why is this a problem? It's overrun by Freddy. Somehow, Foxy managed to smooth talk El Chip into thinking our Bonnie was the real one. He definitely doesn't believe our little act anymore. After that, we got upgraded guns from gods knows where, Bonnie and Toby got mech suits, Chica decided to point a plasma cannon at our ship, and now here we are about 10 hours later in a fire fight while Bonnie and Toby are hiding in the closet. Acron, Foxy, I are trying to fight 50 soldier drones with nothing but pistols.

15 drones down, Acron got shot.
30, Foxy ran out of ammo.
40, we have no more ammo between us, I black out.
"Huh? What happened?" I laugh.
Acron comes running out, "You ok?" He asks.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I ask him.
"Cause you've been shot in the arm." His expression looks serious as he grabs my arm.
"Says you!" I scoff. He's been shot as well. Foxy opens up the closet door and Bonnie comes out looking terrified.
I get up, "Shall we continue trying to find fuel?" I ask them.
"I've just been shot!" Acron shakes his head.
"Walk it off." I smirk and exit the room.
Their faces were priceless.
When we reach the ship Bonnie approaches us with an insanely worried expression.
Bonnie over to us, "Hey guys?"
"What's up Bons?" I ask.
"I heard voices over the radio." Bonnie says tossing me his signal tuner.
"H—-Is anyone th——This is——We need help." the radio says.
"Let's go find the voice then." I say. I stand up and begin walking when Acron grabs my arm.
"Woah there, not so fast. We don't know who this could be or if they're dangerous." He says, "Plus, you got shot." I look down at my bandaged arm.
I gesture back to the ship, "We have Foxy on our side."
"She has a point." Bonnie laughs.
"Ok fine." Acron sighs, "Wait. Where's Toby??"
"Bonnie? Didn't you see him last?" I whisper.
"He's still in the closet." Bonnie sighs, holding back laughter. Bonnie and Acron runs off to go get Toby.
"I know boss. I heard Foxy here!" They say. Foxy grabs my hand and yanks me towards the wall before I could get caught.
A muffled voice comes out of the radio.
"Yes sir. I will check the station." They say. Foxy and I stay quiet and still as we wait for them to pass.
"That was Chica." Foxy says once the coast was clear, "She's very loyal to Freddy."
"I can tell." I scoff, "She's trying to blow up our ship."
Did he just save me from getting shot again?
We continue walking until we meet the others.
"Nice if you to finally make it. Let's go." Acron says.
I just hope these people are nice.

(500 Words)

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