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Foxete's POV:

    When we got back to our ship we all fell asleep immediately. Apparently during this time the others came back, Arthur launched the ship into orbit, and Keeva had a chess match with Arthur. When I woke up I'm greeted by the yelling on Acron. I throw on Illoha's sweater, it's just more comfortable, and walk outside.
"What do we do then Captain?!?" He yells.
"I don't know! How powerful is Funtime Foxy?" Bonnie says pacing back and forth.
"Take this into account, I trained him!" Foxy yells.
"Oh we're gonna die!" Acron laughs.
"What's going on?" I butt in.
"Funtime Foxy is on our trail. Commencing emergency jump." Arthur says.
"No!" Acron yells.
"Everyone hold on!" Illoha yells out grabbing my arm and yanking me to the wall so I didn't fall back into my room.
For the next minute we all felt like our skin was peeling, well the organic people anyways.
"Ok. What the hell is happening!" I yell out.
"We are safe now." Arthur says bluntly.
"I don't care you stupid A.I!" Acron yells, "We're gonna die now!"
"Fans at 20% integrity. Engines; failing. Power; failing." Arthur replies.
"Oh come on!" Acron yells kicking a chair which Foxy catches.
"We need to fix the ship again." I sigh.
"No? Really?!" Acron says sarcastically.
I roll my eyes and leave the room.
"Where are the engines failing?" I ask the A.I.
"Everywhere." He responds.
"Great." Acron says grabbing his tools, "Meet me downstairs Fox." He says aggravated.
I look at Illoha and she sighs. I begin to walk downstairs.
    For the next few hours I got yelled at by Acron, pushed around by the A.I. in GlubGlub's suit, and in total didn't have a great time. Keeva walks in at some point while I'm listening to music and re-wiring the fuel administrator, whatever that is, and is told to go stand by the fans to keep watch. Next thing I know I hear a loud boom from the engines. I take my headphones off. Why was everything going wrong so fast? Illoha and everyone else rush to the scene. We see Keeva lying on the ground bleeding.
"Fox. Med-bay now." Illoha demands helping Keeva up.
I help prep the work station with a wet cloth and pain meds but that's all I knew how to do.
"What happened?" Illoha asks me.
"No idea." I sigh, "Something with Acron."
She works quickly. She's so focused on Keeva I don't think she's paying attention to the fact I'm staring at her. Within thirty minutes Keeva's wounds are cleaned and stitched.
"Wow." I say in awe, "I'm impressed, Princess." I laugh.
"Yeah, yeah, well you need to go and help Acron. He's probably loosing his mind." Illoha sighs.
"He doesn't need me in there." I say sitting down on a stool, "I cause more stress."
She laughs, "Acron just stressed out over this."
"Agreed. We will crash into the nearest planet in 3 days if he doesn't fix out engines." Arthur says, making it all worse.
"Thank you, Arthur!" Acron yells sarcastically.
I stand up and walk out to Acron. He looks like a mess.
"Fox don't even come near me." He sighs, "Go do something else."
I just smile sadly at him, "Ok buddy." I say.
3 days. That's all we have.

(560 Words)

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