Portal Problems

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Authors note: this is at the same time as chapter 50

Foxete's POV:

I sit in my room reading. It's a pretty boring day so far. Derpy visited earlier and Acron seemed to take a liking to her. I can understand why. The book I got was about a hybrid princess and a Evons knight who fall in love, but its not a normal love story. First, it is a banned book. Second, its a lesbian love story, so you can see why it was banned on Keekos. Otso gave it to me as a gift, and I do like it a lot. I had gotten to the part where they realized they loved each other when I was rudely interrupted by a loud explosion.
I race outside and see Acron and Bonnie at the portal. It's probably nothing. I go to knock on Illoha's door when she opens it.
"What was that?" she asks me confused.
"The portal." I respond.
"Is that my sweater?"  Illoha asks me laughing. Indeed it was.
"I took it last night from the rec-room because it was cold." I shrug.
"Yeah, yeah." She laughs.
"So did nobody hear that explosion?!" Acron asked coming through the doorway.
"I did. "I shrug again, "I just didn't care."
"Well start caring, because your helping me fix it, Fox." Acron sighs.
"Noooo." I groan, "Just let me relax!"
"No can do." He smiles, "Come on. Get your armor on and help me get this redstone working."
We walk to the portal and it seems he moved boxes worth of redstone over. I zoned out within 5 minutes. It was boring, easy, work.
"Acron you don't have a proper conductor." I sigh after an hour of him failing at making the proper wiring.
"What?" He asks confused.
"Your using things you'd use on a machine. You need a conductor from another world. Something that comes from another dimension I would think." I sigh.
"Oh." He says bluntly looking at his work, "You couldn't have told me that hours ago?!" He laughs then sighs, "You seem tired. You ok there Fox?" He asks me.
"Yeah, no, I'm fine man." I smile, "I'm gonna go eat, you want anything?" I ask my friend.
"Nah I'm good." He says turning back to his work, "A new conductor?" He mutters.
I stand up and go to the kitchen. Let's hope there's no arguments today. I go upstairs and hear Illoha and Bonnie talking. I know it's bad but I couldn't help but listen in.
"Hm... Fox?" I hear Bonnie say.
"I mean she's pretty but I don't think she'd like me that way." Illoha sighs, "I'm not ready to move on anyways."
"Maybe so, maybe not. I'm going to leave you to it. If you need to talk I'm all ears." Bonnie says getting up. I hide behind the wall and get ready to pretend I didn't hear a thing.
"Alright. Thanks, Bonnie." Illoha says.
They were talking about me?
Illoha said I was pretty??

(515 Words)

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