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Bonnie's POV:

"Oh that little-" Acron starts before I interrupt.
"I shouldn't have told him we were leaving." I sigh.
We see El Chip from the window of the escape pod.
"Why would he do this?" I ask Foxy.||
"He wants to be noticed by Freddy." Foxy sighs, "For now we have to worry about her." He gestures to the small girl who was barely conscious.
Foxete was right. I shouldn't have taken Jab.The girl had white matted hair and looked very familiar.
"I can try something?" I chime in.
"What?" Acron laughs, " 'Cause I'm loosing oxygen!"
I close my eyes and think on the portal.
Please work.

Foxete's POV:

I hear the portal go off.
"Bonnie?" I say.
"Fox?" I head him say as he walks up to the closet.
"Bonnie?!?" I hear GlubGlub yell.
"Yes it's me, shush. I'll get you out of there." He says as he breaks my lock, "Get them out of there Fox. I need to deal with our friend."
I watch as Bonnie leaves.
Oh no.
I grab a hair pin from Illoha's bed. I pick the lock and to no surprise, it works. I am an expert thief after all.
I push open the door and see GlubGlub crying as Illoha stands in the way of Mr Fluffers eating him.
"About time!" She laughs.
That laughter was quieted by a gunshot.
Was it Bonnie?
Or Jab?

Bonnie's POV:

I stand over Jab, no, El Chip's body. I killed him.
I killed him.
I hear Foxete and Illoha run up stairs. Fox enters the room with a gun.
"Holy crap Bonnie!" Fox says surprised as she sees the body on the floor.
I'm too terrified to say anything. I throw the gun on the ground

3 minutes ago

"Just shoot me Bonnie!" Jab yells, "I'd rather die than fail Freddy again!"
I raise the gun to Jab and shoot. I look away. When I look back he's on the floor.

Present tense

"He'd rather die than fail." I say trembling.
"What?" Illoha says sympathetically.
"He'd rather die than disappoint Freddy." I say walking downstairs.
I let Acron, Foxy, and the little girl onto the ship.
"Bonnie?" Foxete grabs my arm.
"Leave me be for a bit, Fox." I say walking out to the engine.
What have I done.

Foxete's POV:

I understand Jab meant a lot to him but he was gonna kill us all.
I look at Illoha, "Let's help them." I gesture to Acron and Foxy.
Illoha and I run out to the portal and take the little girl from them. She looks about 15. Foxy didn't leave her side.
"Hey buddy? Can you go check how many days until we get to Keekos?" I ask Foxy, wanting to get him away from the girl. I understand he cares but we need space to help her.
Ironic that a week and a half ago this man threw me into a tree and tried to kill me.
"Uh, y-yeah sure!" He says staring at the girl.
He hurries up to the cockpit. About a minute later the girl wakes up.
"W-Where am I?!?" She says panicked. She looks at Illoha.
"Hi honey, we're not gonna hurt you. I'm Illoha, and you?" Illoha says calm.
"I'm... Keori..." She says.
"Ok Keori." Illoha smiles, "That's Foxete." She says pointing to me, who's behind the small girl.
Keori has pinkish hair. She also has dark pink eyes and is wearing raggy clothing.
"What was that ship from?" Illoha asks.
"It was from a big mothership. It was attacked by Chica and Funtime Foxy. We barely escaped. Most of the people on it suffocated or bled to death." She trembles.
"Ok, did you send out the S.O.S?" I ask her.
She nods.
"Alright, Illoha I'm gonna go check on Foxy and our route. That was very brave of you. Make sure she eats, drinks, and sleeps." I say standing up, "It was lovely meeting you Keori."
I walk into the kitchen, Foxete follows. Acron seems to be chugging a glass of... beer?
"What are you doing?" Fox turns her nose up, must spell bad.
"Drinking. I wish that I was alone, but..." he snaps.
"It's hard to drink alone on a ship." Illoha sighs.
"We'll, there are 4 other rooms with walls." He laughs, "Pick one." His voice was angry.
"I don't think you should be drinking. We have enough issues going on." Foxete's voice is steady and calm.
"I think you should watch your place." Acron takes a step towards her.
She stands still, unflinching, "My place? Don't think for a moment that I'm afraid of you." She snaps, "Put the damn alcohol down."
Acron slams the glass down and walks out of the room, "I'll go check on our course."
"Good." Fox sighs.
"Oh look we're all good." Acron grumbles coming back down the hallway.
He puts on his goggles and stares at Keori, "What are you 24?" He asks.
"No? I'm 15..." She practically whispers.
"Right, these things are 100% broken and I 100% want to die. Fantastic." Acron walks downstairs.
"Ignore him." Illoha shakes her head, "Sorry Keori."
Acron must be going through something then.

(870 Words)

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