In Orbit

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Foxete's POV:

So apparently a lot has happened since I fell asleep.
Let's check the list:
•Foxy is suspicious of our plan
•Bonnie got fixed
•Foxy knows I'm on the ship
•Freddy nearly found us
•Acron took my workshop
    Isn't that wonderful? Foxy is allowed partial free roam on the ship which means he can only roam free if someone is watching him. I have to act like I'm Bonnie's assistant. Yay. I forgot to mention that Acron went back for his cow, Mr Fluffers. I sit on my bed and watch Foxy wander around.
"What are you doing?" I ask him.
"None of your business." He snaps.
I jump down and walk over to him.
"It kinda is." I stare at him, "The boss put me in charge of babysitting duty."
He looks me dead in the eyes. He gives a smirk of recognition.
"Didn't I kill you?" He scoffs.
"I think I would know if you did." I raise my eyebrows.
"I suppose the faces blend together overtime." Foxy looks around, "I know that he isn't my Bonnie." Foxy looks upstairs.
"What do you mean?" I reply.
"First, Bonnie doesn't want to be repaired. Second, Bonnie doesn't keep prisoners." He says with a small smile.
"Maybe he had a change of heart. Maybe he wants to test you." My stomach flips, but I don't let him know that.
"Bonnie wouldn't take me off. We were doing well." Foxy sighed, "I want to know what you plan to do with me."
"The boss wouldn't like those answers." I play along.
"The blue man. He should've been more careful, he gave you away." Foxy grins.
I stay silent.
"Let's have a better introduction. I'm Foxy." He sticks out his hand.
"Foxete." I shake his hand.
"So, what's the plan with me?" Foxy asks.
"I don't ask questions." I state bluntly.
Foxy practically growls, "Just admit it's an act! I know it is."
"And if it's not? If you're questioning Bonnie and Freddy?" I ask.
"Then at least they'll now I'm perceptive." Foxy crosses his arms, "I'm not stupid."
"We'll see." I nod to Acron as he came down the stairs.
I believe there's good in everyone. You just have to find it, and I have to accept it.

An hour later

Foxy sits offline on the workbench table. His model is so old. I work with the parts I have.
"Hey Acron can you come here?" I say to the blue man on my left.
He walks over to me, "Yeah Fox?"
"What type of metal is this?" I ask pointing to a metal I've never seen before, "It's stronger than titanium."
"Oh that's enhanced titanium." Acron says, "It's titanium that's been enhanced with obsidian by Keekos."
"Keekos?" I ask.
"It's a planet of smart people, the Evons." Acron smiles, "As a hybrid I thought you'd know that."
This man really thinks I'm a hybrid. Suddenly, Bonnie runs in.
"We're out of fuel." He says looking at his feet.
"That's what happens when you never turn out engines off Bonnie." I laugh.
"Bonnie!" Acron groans, face-palming.
"How was I meant to know!" He groans.
"It's just the way things are!" Acron laughs, "I mean how much of an idiot are you!"
"A big one apparently." Otso says.
Wait.... Otso?!
"What-" I turn my head around.
"Why, how, when, huh?" Acron says looking at Otso.
"Oh." Bonnie says.
"What your not happy to see your friend!" Otso says grabbing me Bonnie's shoulders.
"Who?" Acron says.
"Who's your fine friend." Otso asks me.
"Excuse me?" Acron asks, taken aback.
"That's Acron, Otso. Ignore him Acron. He's weird." I sigh.
"Uh yeah I'm out-" Acron says putting his goggles on and continuing to work on Foxy.
"Hey man you don't happen to have fuel?" I ask Otso.
"I do but you'll have to work for it!" Otso smirks.
"How about this counts as payback for me not killing you." I scoff.
"Haha no." Otso sits down, I sit next to him and he puts his arm around my shoulder.
"I want a back massage." Otso smiles. I push Bonnie toward him.
"Yeah you do that Bonnie." I snicker.
"Then, Foxete I want you to get me some food."  He smiles.
"We don't have any food on the ship and if we did it would go to Acron." I reply.
"No fuel then!" Otso smirks.
"Fine." I groan.I go into the kitchen, open the fridge, and bring him a bowl of Mr Fluffers soup, "Here's the soup from a cow. When you "milk" it you get mushroom stew. Otso laughs and eats his soup, "And a back massage!"
"Acron." I say bluntly.
"Why me?" He asks.
"Because I said so." Take his goggles and begin fixing Foxy. By the time I'm done Bonnie had refueled the ship, and Otso left without saying goodbye.

How rude.
(815 Words)

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