Gamer Bros

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Foxete's POV:

"Ok Damien, you need to strap this controller around you wrist." I hear as I walk into the new and improved Rec Room.
There used to be a fish tank here, now there's a flatscreen TV with a Wii.
"What's the difference between a Wii and a Mii?" Dex asks, confused.
"A Wii is the console, a Mii is the virtual avatar." I explain, sitting on the couch next to Lexi and Kat.
"Otso?" I ask.
"Otso." Lexi laughs.
"Alright, you need to always wear this strap, okay? I haven't see a Wii in a long time." Jake sighs.
"Hey Jake, I challenge you, Lexi, and Kat to Mario Cart." I smirk.
"Oh god." Kat laughs.
"You're on!" He grins.
Dex gets off the couch and sits on one of the bean bags. Damien sits on Jake's lap.
That's adorable.
I pick my character, Toad.
Jake picks Mario.
Lexi picks Daisy.
Kat picks Peach.
We start the game.
Jake starts off in the lead, I'm in close second, Kat is close behind me, and Lexi is failing to drive.
"Lexi, you need to drive in order to win." I laugh.
"Hey! I'm trying here!" She rolls her eyes.
Damien crawls off of Jakes lap and takes the controller from Lexi, climbing onto her lap, and he begins playing. At some point, Illoha walks in and watches from behind us. On the final lap, Jake was about to win when Damien surpassed all three of us. Damien won, I ended up winning second, Jake at third and Kat in last. How the AI managed to lose is beyond me.
"I win!" Damien laughs.
"You did win!" I chuckle, "Look at Jake's face!"
"What are you doing?" Illoha laughs, I finally notice her.
"Mario Cart." I grin.
She stares, confused.
"Video games, Illoha." Lexi sighs.
"Oh, our video games don't look like this." She smiles walking over.
"What are they?" Kat asks.
"Chess, solitaire, checkers." She sighs.
"Yikes." I laugh, "Wanna learn how to play human games?"
"Sure?" She smiles, sitting down next to me.
I hand her the controller and help her put the safety strap on. We set up another race and I teach a Illoha how to play.
"Okay, press this button to drive then tilt the controller left and right to turn." I explain.
The game begins and Jake, Lexi, Kat, and Illoha begin.
By the second lap, Illoha is in 2nd place, Jake is in first.
"Wow, Illoha might actually win." I laugh.
"She will absolutely not!" Jake scoffs.
Jake crosses the finish line within the next few minutes, Illoha follows behind him. Then Kat, then Lexi.
"And this is why I let Damien play for me." Lexi bows her head in shame.
"Well, I did better than Fox!" Illoha boasts.
"Beginners luck." I scoff.
She elbows me, "Admit your defeat!"
"No!" I laugh.
"Fine! I challenged you to a game!" She rolls her eyes.
We set up the 3rd game and pick our characters.
Jake picks Mario.
I pick Toad.
Illoha picks Peach.
Damien picks Yoshi.
Honestly we could play this for hours. It's a much needed break.
I missed this.

(530 Words)

The Protectors; Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now