13. Stay Away

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"Glad you came. I've been keeping my eyes on you, following your scent which seems to be fading by day now that I think about it."

This guy was staring at me like prey. He wasn't ashamed to hide it either. Was this the best Mijin and Niel could find? He was undeniably good-looking and from the looks of it, he was aware people found him attractive too, and rich.

"What's your relationship with Stan?"

So upfront of him to ask me like that but I liked it in a way. He wasn't going to waste my time beating about the bush.

"We are not in a relationship if that is what you're asking. He helped me out and that's it. We have no connection with each other. None whatsoever."

"Funny that he said the same thing." He seemed amused by my response.

We had been sitting at the foodcourt next to the movie theatre. Mijin had suggested watching a movie together might give us things in common to talk about.

Leaning forward, he reached for his backpack next to the empty seat and took out a neatly wrapped gift.

"I was planning to gift this to you after the movie but seeing that you'll run away from me any minute, I better gift it to you now."

I took the colorfully wrapped box from his extended had. It felt quite light.

He laughed at my action. "I was mistaken to assume you'd reject it since we don't know each other well. You're a funny one Yeon. I like you already."

"Why would I turn down a gift? I never asked you to buy me anything."

"Then after the movie, I'd like to buy you a lot of gifts. We could walk around the mall and if you set your eyes on anything you like, let me know."

"What are you my mother?"

"No of course not. However, I'm aiming to be someone closer to your heart than your mother."

"My father?" What a smooth talker. I will play his game and let's see who outwits the other. What did he think of me? A naive virgin?

He seemed amused by my answer as he leaned back, laughing at what I'd just said. "I knew I'd like you. You seem to have a tough exterior but once someone got to know you, you're kinda cool...and cute too."

"Hey don't push it. Calling me cool is fine but cute is too much. I know how I look like so you're not going to fool me with that tease."

"I really mean it. I've always thought you were cute since I laid my eyes on you and I still keep that thought."

"Do you tell everyone you want to have sex with that?" Hell no would I fall for such crap. I'm the one who used to do it before, finding my mate and what not.

"If you're confirming if I have anyone I'm dating, the answer is no and while we are on the subject, I've never dated anyone before either." 

"You've cuddled with my sister..."

"Cuddled, I'm guilty there, I won't deny it. Dating, not yet. That's why I was hoping you'd be my first."

"You're quite forward. We've just met and you're already asking me to date you."

"Where is the lie? I like you and I understand it's stupid to have such high hopes, yet I still hope that you'll agree to go out with me exclusively."

"It will be bothersome to reason with you so I won't bother...and to choose to date me shows at least you have good taste."

There he goes laughing again at every statement I make. I knew I didn't have a sense of humor so clearly he was just faking it. Even my own sister never laughed at my dry jokes.

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